Why I Love Audio Books

I am a ferocious reader. In my other life as an actor I have been known to read a book a day on set. But as I get more busy one of the things I hate the most is that I do not have time to read. This is why I love buying an audio book. I recently bought Rob Lowe’s Stories I Only Tell My Friends and Lowe narrated the story himself. This brings an entire new dimension to the experience of books and especially autobiographies. It is one thing to read Lowe’s book, but to hear him tell his own story is pretty cool.

You can ‘read’ while working, doing your emails, cleaning, walking. Audio books may not be new, but they have really taken off in recent years, and I think it is because we are getting busier all the time. I am also someone who multitasks all of the time, so audio books are perfect for me. I even listen to audio books when I have free time now.

I believe that when someone is well-read it comes across in how they think and speak. Nothing educates people more than books. People who have problems with their eyes and people with dyslexia can also enjoy audio books.

Do you love audio books? What is your favourite audio book?

Audiobooks can be bought easily online on audiogo.com