Florence and the Machine backs new FOUR PAWS campaign film

Florence and the Machine has lent its support to FOUR PAWS’ campaign calling on EU decision makers to keep their promise to ban the sale of animal-tested cosmetics, by allowing their haunting track Cosmic Love to be used as the soundtrack to a new thought provoking film, launched last week.

Animal testing for cosmetic ingredients is now banned in the EU. However, some tests for cosmetic ingredients can still be performed on animals outside the EU and those ingredients are imported for sale in EU products (until 11 Mar 2013). There is now a serious threat to this deadline which could be postponed by years.

The thought provoking and shocking film’s below and it’s worth watching.

A forthcoming European Commission decision is expected soon on whether to recommend a delay to its implementation due to alternatives not having been developed or validated in time.

“Our film is a reminder that the ugly face of animal tested cosmetics has not gone away and there can be no excuse for testing cosmetics on animals wherever in the word it takes place. We want to see an end to animal-tested cosmetics and that’s what EU politicians promised. If they break that promise by delaying the sales ban, they will be sanctioning the silent suffering of animals in countries such as the United States and China.” – Marie-Claire Macintosh from FOUR PAWS.

The new viral film has been launched across the EU in conjunction with a petition calling on EU decision makers not to delay the ban.

To sign the petition: https://www.secureconnect.at/4paws.org.uk/petition/110302/index.php