Toy Story 3 Review by Catherine Balavage {Film}

Amazingly, Toy Story has been going since 1995. This means I was just a pup when the first one came out. Fifteen years later, Pixar’s brillance is still very much in evidence. The plot is good, the graphics are amazing and Toy story now comes in 3D.

When the film first came out Twitter and Facebook seemed full of grown men admitting they cried during the film. I didn’t cry but if you don’t feel something then you are not human. The story is one that will touch everyone. About growing up and moving on. Andy is all grown up and going to college. What will he do with his toys?

All the characters are as amazing as every. Tom Hanks is wonderful as Woody, who rescues the other toys. Toy Story 3 is clever, heart warming and heart rendering. An enthralling perfect animated film that I cannot praise enough. It may even be Pixar’s best movie.

Go. Take tissues.

Five stars.