Sure Maximum Protection statue blogger challenge

Sure Maximum Protection has revealed that out of 640 official statues in the UK, only a measly 15 per cent of them represent women!

So they invited me to take part in a bloggers challenge. They asked me to put creative skills to the test to customise the ultimate female statue.

Years ago I won a number of art competitions and have always loved drawing. I have been too busy to keep this up and also never really did paint. I have always been creative though so I took the kit that was sent to me and got to work.

I immediately made a few mistakes but managed to recover well. I am annoyed at myself for allowing my creative skills to get rusty but I just decide to paint away and go where the artistic mood took me.

In the end I have a futuristic female statue. My statue has traits that I love in my fellow women: elegant, strong, caring, ambitious, smart, fashionable, individuality.


She’s different and cool.. She’s not perfect (blame her creator) but she carries it well and is all the better for it. She has kick-ass red lipstick and smile. What else could she possible need?