The Big Wedding | Film review

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This broad comedy about a long divorced couple (Robert De Niro and Diane Keaton) who pretend they are still married for their adopted son (Ben Barnes) is fun and entertaining. His biological mother is a strict catholic and he never told her they divorced.

De Niro’s character, who cheated on his ex-wife and has been through AA three times, is a lovable rogue. His long term girlfriend (Susan Sarandon who is amazing) was the best friend of his ex-wife. The only thing I disliked about the film, and which I found unrealistic, is that Keaton and Sarandon would be friends, and that Sarandon also lives in the house that the couple built themselves and raised their children in with her ex-husband. I can’t think of one woman who would be friends with the woman who broke up her family and now lives in the family home.

This is big comedy, and it is not scared to take risks. Some of the comedy is risque, but I really enjoyed it. It has a strong cast who bounce of each other well. Robin Williams as the priest is as good as ever.  De Niro (my favourite actor) plays his character well, making a complex and flawed character lovable.

This is a Hollywood comedy film, the person I watched the film with said it was funny and good, but not realistic. In a way I agree, but I don’t care. This film would make a great night out: funny and entertaining.