A Promising Taste for Adventure

Despite reporting the fussy and faddy eating you might expect from toddlers, the Toddler ‘Census’ commissioned by growingupmilkinfo.com, a website for parents seeking information about toddler nutrition, revealed today’s toddlers have some adventurous tastes. 30% of toddlers had tried olives, 30% had tried smoked salmon and over one in ten had tried sushi! Plus, 17% had tried granola and 5% had tried lobster!

Whilst some of these foods might be too high in salt for toddlers to eat everyday, an adventurous palate and wide range of tastes is to be encouraged says child nutritionist Amanda Ursell, who adds: “Even ‘everyday’ staple foods can take ten or more tries before toddlers will accept eating them.”

The ‘Census’ gives some fresh perspective on “the state of the toddler nation’s plates”, with eight out of ten parents questioned unaware that toddlers require different nutritional supplements to support this extraordinary period of growth and development. Six out of ten mums surveyed for the study said they were unaware of the UK Departments of Health recommendation that toddlers should receive a daily supplement containing vitamins A, C and D and responses showed 74% of toddlers are not given these extra vitamins

Visit growingupmilkinfo.com for more information and Q&A with experts, and to see a sweet animation of this period of extraordinary growth visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx7gUu1-FX4