Are You Ready for Jurassic World?

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Jurassic World is set to take the planet by storm this summer, as the highly anticipated third sequel to the beloved cult classic was released on June 12, 2015.

Originally famous for its then- revolutionary dinosaur DNA plot (gleaned from the Michael Crichton book of the same name) and its state of the art visual effects, the first three Jurassic Park films captured the imagination of a generation of movie goers. It has since become a culture juggernaut, inspiring breakfast cereals, amusement park thrill rides, countless online memes and compelling many a little one to dream of a career in paleontology.

Those adoring fans who were small children when the original two films were released are now in their 20s and 30s, with many now having their own offspring that they cannot wait to introduce to these realistic dinosaur giants. Audiences and film critics alike are excited for the next chapter in the Jurassic World saga, with stars such as Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D’Onofrio and Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt at the helm of this installment of the mega blockbuster.

Featuring a plot that sees the Isla Nublar island amusement park struggling to attract the visitors it so easily enticed to Jurassic Park 22 years earlier, the Indominus Rex is a new hybrid dinosaur introduced to the park – and whose presence quickly goes wrong.

As an ominous voice over in the recent trailer narrates, “She’s a highly intelligent animal. She’ll kill anything that moves.” This foreboding narration is enough to make any audience member shudder with anticipation, and gives a clear clue as to what is about to happen in this film – this dinosaur is hunting for sport, not just for the food.

The director, Colin Trevorrow, had this to say about the somewhat controversial (at least in the blogosphere) decision to use the idea of a genetically modified dinosaur: “There is no shortage of awesome dinosaurs. We could have populated the entire story with new species that haven’t been in any of these movies. But this new creation is what gave me a reason to tell another Jurassic Park story.”

And another Jurassic Park story it shall be, with eager viewers lining up with glee in order to have a peek at the latest in what is one of the world’s most enduring and beloved movie franchises. Many questions are lingering in the minds of the super fans: does Chris Pratt’s character, the so-called “Raptor handler,” have a bond with the seemingly untamable velociraptors, vicious dinosaurs who appear to cooperate with him in an early trailer? Does the Indominus Rex have a backstory, or appear covered in feathers (as many 21st-century scientists now assert that dinosaurs would have been)? And how will potential sequel subject matter be introduced in this film?

Audiences all over the world are excited to see how this new Jurassic World plot plays out  – not to mention excited to see the latest in special effects and digital visual technologies come across on the big screen. For more on the film and to find viewings near you, visit the Cineworld website.

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This post was written in partnership with *Cineworld*