Beat the Heat With This Excellent Fan

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fan, good fans. Breeze with ease!

Frost is a fan of this pocket fan which also sprays water on you. We love the colour and it also has a handy wrist strap. Recommended.

Stop the stuffiness and stay cool and collected this summer with the backpack gadget you need on your travels.

This fan will spritz you gently with cool water on the move or at night if you need a quick fix to sleeplessness.

From an overheated office to a boiling bedroom we’ve all been there when you just can’t get cool.

This compact cooling device releases a fine water mist in addition to the fan’s cool air spin. The Spritz Ultra Fine Mist Rechargeable Fan is specially designed to provide the ultimate cooling sensation and lasts for 4 hours upon each charge.

Portable yet powerful, the wireless fan includes a wrist cable to keep on you wherever you are. Pack in a handbag, backpack or use simply at your desk this gadget will ensure you are at a comfortable temperature wherever you are.

Whether you’re cooped up in a camping tent or tanning it up on a sunbed stay happy in all this humidity.

Feel easy and breezy during a heatwave for just £12.99 from