You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse By Melanie Tonia Evans

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We all have those people in our lives. The ones that we are a victim too. No matter how much we try to fix things with them or to break free they are still there; doing damage and trying to make us think it is us who have the problem. Sometimes we do not even realise how much damage a person does to us. Many are in toxic relationships with people who are friends or family and do no even realise they are the victim of narcissistic abuse. With Christmas on the horizon we will all be spending time with people we may not like to, who deliberately hurt us. This book has lots of great advice to help. It has a recovering system too. Some of it was too hippy dippy for me. I was also not a fan of the authors habit of using the word ‘rape’ as a verb, but overall I think this is a great book. It can help many people and has already done so. Even if you do not believe in some of the things the author believes in; the book still has information to help you. The author is inspirational and can help you detach from narcissists and love yourself again. Much needed in time for the festive season.

The Number 1 System for Recovering from Toxic Relationships

Narcissistic abuse is experiencing epidemic proportions worldwide. This book is for everyone, as many people would have suffered some form of narcissistic abuse at some time or know someone that has.

Narcissistic abuse may be mental, physical, financial, spiritual or sexual. If you have been through an abusive relationship with someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, you will know that no one understands what you are going through unless they have personally experienced it.
In You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse you will learn how to: recognise if you are in a narcissistic relationship, remove yourself from the narcissist’s ability to affect or abuse you and identify the subconscious programme which hooked you in to begin with so you can heal and go on to thrive not just survive. This revolutionary programme is designed to heal you from the inside out, its effectiveness has been proven by thousands of people worldwide.

Filled with inspirational case studies, insights and inner child work, Evans teaches us that often those that attract narcissists are people pleasers who subjugate their own needs.The Thriver technique asserts that whatever happened in the past was for a reason and if you can find out and heal that reason, then not only will this situation never happen to you again; your life will heal and evolve. Part One of the book explores the nature of narcissistic abuse, what it is and its effect on us and our relationships. Part Two sets out the ten steps that help us connect with our inner trauma and heal from it and Part Three looks at the lessons that can be garnered from narcissistic abuse and the way forward – both for ourselves and for future generations.

If you have suffered from a traumatic relationship with anyone: a parent, spouse, lover, friend, boss or even your own child – this book is for you, regardless of whether you are trapped in an abusive dynamic right now or still struggling to heal from what happened decades ago.


Melanie Tonia Evans is a healer, author and radio host considered to be the world’s leading online authority on narcissistic abuse recovery. As a survivor of Narcissistic Abuse herself, she is the founder of Quanta Freedom Healing (QFH) and the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP). Through her programmes, Mel has helped thousands of people worldwide – there are now over 20,000 graduates of the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program who are presently Thriving in abuse-free lives. To find out more visit:

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