How to Treat Dopamine Deficiency Naturally (And Why You Must)

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We have all heard the word dopamine being thrown around in discussions about depression, but very few of us know what it actually is and how it affects us. In order to understand how to treat dopamine deficiency and why doing so is essential, we must first understand what dopamine is exactly and what functions it serves in our body.

What is Dopamine?

Dopamine is neurotransmitter that is responsible for initiating a number of emotional responses in animals and humans, but those are not the only functions which the chemical serves. Aside from creating sensations of reward, happiness, pleasure and satisfaction, the neurotransmitter also plays a vital role in regulating movements, causing sexual arousal, our ability to remain active, sleep, learn and memorize, among others.

What Would Happen If You Were Dopamine Deficient?

The result of dopamine deficiency depends on various factors such as the cause, the degree of the deficiency and for how long the person has been dopamine deficient.  Take the example of Parkinson’s disease, where the symptoms of dopamine deficiency will be much more severe and in addition to constant tremors, it will affect the patient’s ability to walk or even move in general. Even in people without Parkinson’s, a number of the following effects of dopamine deficiency can be observed, although they will likely not be all present at once and the ones that can be observed will also vary widely in degree of manifestation, according to the patient’s own physiological conditions and unique external factors.

  • Cramps, aches, sharp pain, spams
  • Stiffness, tremors, balance loss
  • Weight fluctuations (fast gains and losses)
  • GERD, constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders
  • Difficulty with swallowing and/or eating
  • Clinical depression, lethargy, brain fog, insomnia, demotivation, guiltiness, mood swings, anxiety, hopelessness, low confidence, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts
  • Low libido
  • Hallucinations, delusions, unalert and unaware behavior, indifference to the practical world

Is It Possible to Treat Dopamine Deficiency Naturally?

As should be obvious by now, dopamine deficiency is a severe problem that can lead to more than just a case of bad mood like most people falsely believe. If you or anyone you know is exhibiting any of the signs of dopamine deficiency which were mentioned above, they may require immediate treatment. However, during the early stages, it is possible to counter the multiple negatives effects of dopamine deficiency through natural methods and in fact, they can be practiced alongside any clinical treatment that might be necessary. 

How Can We Treat Dopamine Deficiency Naturally?

As already stated, it is possible to treat dopamine deficiency naturally and the following methods are proven to be useful in most situations.

Replace Sugar with Honey

Sugar doesn’t exactly lower your dopamine levels; it actually bumps it up suddenly and quickly. Unfortunately, it doesn’t last and just like alcohol, once you come down from the high, an extreme low takes over. Over time, this will interfere with your natural dopamine availability and the receptors enough to cause imbalance. Not to mention, sugar itself causes a whole series of health problems. Switch to honey instead, which can also be bad for you in large quantities, but in moderate amounts, is an excellent source of antioxidants, and essential nutrients.


Exercising is a very real and effective antidepressant because aerobic exercise, in particular, boosts our dopamine levels and consequently, lifts our mood.

Eat a Diet Rich in Healthy Fats and Protein

The great thing about eating healthy fats and protein is that they are generally tasty as well! Eggs, fish and fish fat, lean meat, cheese, leafy greens, nuts, fruits, avocados, etc. are all healthy and they help with maintaining healthy dopamine levels in the body.

Are There More Effective Ways to Boost Dopamine?

This was just an introduction to what we can do ourselves to improve dopamine availability, but do check out if you want to know more about how we can all boost our dopamine levels without having to depend on clinical medication. VitaMonk provides a very easy to understand and multifaceted guide to doing so naturally, in addition to explaining each and every aspect of the neurotransmitter’s action on the human brain and body.

Just like every other disease, it is important to notice the signs early, and do something about them, before the brain goes further into a dopamine deficient stage, at which point, it might be too late to do anything naturally and clinical help will be required.


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