Make travelling with children easier

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Travelling with children can be a trying experience. Tears and tantrums are a regular fixture and little ones tend to get easily bored. To help you make your next journey go more smoothly, follow our handy tips to ease your frazzled nerves.

The first – and arguably most important – step is to decide where to go. When the children are older, you can be more adventurous with your choices, but while they are young, hotels with childcare are invaluable. For older children, it is a good idea to book a hotel which has a variety of activities available that will keep them entertained – tennis courts, swimming pools and games rooms are all great options.

Think about what you can do when you get there. What does your destination have? If your children are toddlers or pre-schoolers, you might want to make sure there is a playground nearby. Select hotels even have toys available for kids to use. If there is a beach at your destination, then make sure you pack a bucket and spade. 

For the journey, as well as the holiday itself, essentials include books, crayons, paper and favourite toys. By downloading TV shows and cartoons from iPlayer or a similar streaming site before you leave, you can access them while you’re away, even if you don’t have an internet connection.

Packing for children can create its own list of complications. With only two adults, it can be a lot to carry. My husband and I usually take backpacks as that leaves our hands free. If you have a pram utilise it as much as you can but know that it will have to be folded down to be put in a car or plane. You can give children little backpacks if they want. It can carry a snack and a favourite toy. Suitcases with wheels are also handy. If you have a baby, I find baby slings invaluable. You can then have a rucksack too: I find it balances out the weight nicely. 

When my husband and I go on holiday we try to pack as little as possible. Sure, it would be nice to have a lot of outfit choices but space is limited so I find a pair of jeans with lots of t-shirts work. I usually bring one dress. A pair of sandals and a pair of trainers work well too. Minimalism is your friend when you have children.

Book your transport to the airport. Check out these airport transfers from Liverpool to Manchester and book in advance. The easiest way to make travelling with children easier is to be as organised as possible. It is also helpful to have any liquids in clear plastic bags before you get to the airport. A freezer bag works well. Another tip I have might be a little controversial but bribery is your friend when it comes to your kids! Have biscuits or chocolate on hand to help with any meltdowns. You might not let them have those kinds of treats usually, but, hey, on holiday different rules apply.

Make sure you have packed enough nappies and bottles. I find taking a training seat is a very good idea. This helps children go to the loo when they are somewhere new. This is especially important if you have just started potty training as little things can set children back.

Good luck on your travels. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.


Collaboration with Cyllenius.