4 Substances That Can Promote Healthy Hair

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As one of the most visible and noticeable physical attributes, hair is hugely significant to women. Not only is it a statement that defines our personal image, but it can also affect the way we feel, and often determine the course of our day. This is so much the case that the annual spend on maintaining our hair and appearance, according to a report from Fashion Network, reaches an eye-watering £10 billion.

That £10 billion goes largely into products that we can use to maximise volume, change colour, increase shine, and so on. And of course, we can also look to do things like avoiding overexposure to the sun, and drying our hair gently to maintain health and quality. Ultimately though, what goes into our diets and supplement routines also plays a massive role in promoting and marinating hair health over time. It’s with that in mind that we want to take a look at some basic substances that can contribute to healthy, well-conditioned hair.

1. Vitamin C

Proven to have substantial benefits to our skin and overall health, Vitamin C also plays a vital role in haircare. It contains a necessary property that creates protein –– or as it’s more commonly known, collagen –– which encourages growth, reduces hair loss and supports healthy hair. It can also aid in combatting dandruff, delay premature greying and prevent hair from growing weak, brittle and fine. A deficiency in Vitamin C, by contrast, can result in dry hair and split ends –– so taking a supplement is highly recommended.

2. Biotin

Biotin is part of the B-complex group of vitamins, and is a key component in maintaining many of the body’s major systems. Over recent years it’s been claimed that biotin can improve the health and growth rate of nails and hair. Health and wellness platform SymptomFind took an in-depth look into the potential benefits of the substance a short while ago and pointed out that although there’s no specific data to prove the benefits, many supplement manufacturers and social media platform users highly recommend including biotin in your health and beauty regimen. It’s true that a biotin deficiency can cause hair loss and weakened nails, so it’s certainly a possibility that it can be advantageous to take a consistent and regulated supplement. Furthermore, while we lack scientific proof, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that biotin has a positive effect.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has long been used as a natural remedy, and is believed to be advantageous in boosting general health and treating numerous ailments. Examining the latest scientific evidence, BBC Good Food scrutinised coconut oil and delved deeper into the potential health benefits it offers. Alongside several other benefits, the examination concluded that coconut oil may help to protect hair from damage. The lauric acid within the substance is likely to boost protein in hair, reducing the negative effects of natural protein loss. As a readily available, safe and inexpensive natural product, coconut oil is definitely worth trying in your beauty routine!

4. Honey

Now widely recognised as a “superfood,” honey boasts an impressive list of positive contributions to our health. It is rich in health-promoting plant compounds, and also has high antioxidant content, which helps it to fight free radicals that cause damage in the body. Thus, we know that honey in moderation can be good for us. As to hair specifically though, the aforementioned free radical damage does apply to our hair as well –– which indicates that the consumption of honey can help to reverse and/or stave off damage. Furthermore, due to its humectant properties, honey is also great for hydration, helping the hair to maintain moisture and reducing brittleness and breakages.

For those looking for a haircare boost, these are just a few of many “on-the-shelf” natural supplements that can be used to promote hair health. We hope this has been a helpful read, and please visit Frost Magazine again soon for more lifestyle tips and advice!

Collaborative post from Olive J. Begley.