The Anchor – Self-trust by Alex Bannard Wellness and Wellbeing Editor

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I have learnt many important lessons during my menopause journey.

I have learnt to trust the process. We are inevitably going to be tripped up by life, it’s just what happens. Our power lies in trusting the process – that everything happens for a reason. That whatever happens there will be learning, healing & growth.

These hiccups don’t tend to de-rail us so much or so quickly & we start to take ‘failing’ less personally. We all experience it, isn’t unique to just us. We learn to look for the opportunities & possibilities in so-called setbacks & we may even start to look forward to these hiccups for what we will learn, how we will heal & grow.

I believe that we choose to incarnate on this earth at this time for all the lessons we have come here to learn. The Universe sends us gentle messages, if we learn to take heed of them when they are just a whisper the journey will less bumpy. But if we don’t, the lessons will get louder & more uncomfortable to get our attention.

So if it feels messy, guess what, it’s probably meant to be: that means it’s working – trust the process!

The fear of failing starts to diminish because, well, it’s not failing, it’s a lesson.

I also trust in a power greater than myself. I trust & believe that we are being taken care of, provided for. I find this comforting knowing that everything happens in divine timing & for the greatest good of us all.

It doesn’t mean that I don’t keep taking inspired action to achieve my dreams, it just means that if something doesn’t pan out as hoped I just trust that the Universe has a better plan.

But the final piece in the trust puzzle is trusting in yourself. Self-trust is the antidote to fear because when you trust in yourself you just know that you will be OK no matter what. You have an inner sense of peace & happiness that isn’t dependent on what’s going on out there because it comes from the inside not the outside. Happy, if you like, for no reason.

This is the anchor in the storm. What’s going on outside is like the waves on the top of the ocean, self-trust is like the anchor nestled into the sand on the seabed, keeping you grounded & safe.

Self-trust isn’t self-confidence. Self-trust is knowing that whatever happens you will learn something, heal, grow & work it out no matter if you mess up.

Self-trust is more a feeling than a thought or a belief. It feels different to everyone but it is a felt sensation within the body that feels grounded, centred, balanced, whole & at one, secure & connected.

Self-trust is a practice just like yoga & mindfulness & just like these practices the more you do the more you benefit & it is more accessible when you practice yoga & mindfulness. Like all these things the more you cultivate it, the easier it is to be, because it’s more about being, feeling & becoming than doing.

When you trust in yourself, in the process & in a higher power you are more decisive, trust your gut instinct more, are more hearted centred, take more chances & question yourself less.

If you would like to find out more about trust & being your own anchor in the storm check out Alex’s FB group:

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Incorporate short yoga sequences & meditations as part of your self-care toolkit with guided practices on Alex’s YouTube Channel:

For more info check out

Alex is based on the edge of the stunning Cotswolds & has been sharing her love for all things yoga & mindfulness for almost a decade, not just in the UK but also around the world. Having used her training & knowledge to navigate her own menopausal journey & create a life in which she is thriving, Alex is devoted in supporting other’s in this life changing transition.