The Ritual Bathing Revolution … by Alex Bannard Wellbeing and Wellness Editor

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Recently I met Lisa from Rock & Rose Rituals and she shared her inspiring story. In 2018 she left the corporate world & London behind and retreated to Scotland in her camper van. Reconnecting with nature, she reawakened a deep connection, communication & co-creation with nature, plants & earth elements.

We talked about the studies that have been on water consciousness. Masaru Emoto’s water experiments: water imbued with love, joy, compassion created the most beautiful symmetrical crystals on freezing compared to water imbued with fear, hate, doubt whose crystals were misshapen & dark. Just search his name in YouTube to see it for yourself.

I told her how I wanted to do the rice experiment with my kids. Boiled rice is placed in 3 jars, one labeled love, one hate & the final one ignore. For 1 minute a day someone gives the jar labelled love loving thoughts & words. For another minute the jar of hate is told hateful words & thoughts. And the final jar is ignored. Weeks later the love jar’s rice is still blooming, the hate & ignore are blackened, decayed. Again check this out on YouTube!

I knew we were talking the same language so when Lisa told me how the plants talk to her, inspiring her to co—create her bathing rituals, I knew exactly what she meant. Although I have to be honest, a few years ago if someone had said that to me, I probably would have thought: yeah right. Now I understand & believe in the power of energy & how everyday people are co-creating with the Universe because they are awakening to that innate, intuition within themselves, their inner wisdom & this opens up the door to connecting with source, other realms, whatever you want to call it.

I wanted to try Lisa’s full moon bathing ritual but it had been a full moon the night before? She reassured me I still had time if I did it when I got home. The full moon guided me home reflecting in my wing mirror or side window.

At  gone 10pm I found the ritual instructions & began filling the bath reading the steps required: lighting a candle, turning on the accompanying playlist, cleansing the space with a cleansing stick, drawing an infinity sign in the water imbuing the bath with an intention. Of course being menopausal I kept forgetting the next step & would have to scrabble around for my glasses to read it.

But despite it being a very stop-start process, I finally relaxed into the bath. It was then I had a deeply profound experience: a deep sense of connection; a real sense & visceral appreciation to trust in myself, this was something I had known intellectually for a while but I really felt it. Then I had a series of inspirations & ideas. One of which was to collaborate with Lisa to create a guided experience to accompany her ritual because I absolutely loved it. Hopefully we’ll be doing that very soon!

Everyone’s experience is different because we are all unique but what I find interesting is that everyone is capable of equally profound experiences. I love meeting everyday people who are experiencing beautiful awakenings. It’s a reminder to us that this awakening is available to us all. You don’t have to be a scientist, a yogi, a Buddhist monk, everyday people are having beautiful awakenings. And you can too.

To join Lisa in her ritual bathing revolution you can find her here: 

Instagram: @rockandroserituals

If you would like more information on how to practice mindfulness, meditation & yoga check out Alex’ website:

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