The Columbia Community Association puts week 36 of the refurbishment to bed, having enjoyed cakes, and wonderful gifts as Easter approaches

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Well, Marion advertised for a pendulum walk clock and now CCA have two. ‘What next?’ she asks. Margaret hardly dares to think.  But here we go, with lots and lots…

The team have had the honour of being visited by Geoff Millington, the school teacher who initiated the original mural, painted by the children of the then Biddick Primary School in 1983. Geoff (shown with the CCA print, hanging in the Brady Square Room) has promised to write the story of the mural in more detail and the CCA cannot wait. Special thanks go to Brian Mason for without him this print would never have happened, Brian we have recreated history. Margaret had a wonderful art teacher, a Miss Richardson, who always told the class, ‘Look up, everyone, when out. See what’s above, not what’s below the feet.’ Instructions suitable for life really. She meant to study the roofs, the angles, the shadows. Again, much like life. 

Arthur is getting on with the decorating, he has a big job to tackle this week but he assures Marion he can manage, he is such a perfectionist which is fantastic. Marion had a meeting  with the Surveyor and contractor to discuss jobs outstanding and there is now  a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel, a bit dim, but there all the same. The CCA  now have Simon, site Manager from SCC, overseeing the outstanding work which is enormously helpful, and  someone with whom to liaise.

CPR/ Defibrillator training was organised for the volunteers on Tuesday with the lovely Nev. As Marion said, ‘That will be another Ology they have.’

The Council have collected the two very large planters from the front of the building, so now there are parking spaces and soon there will be some hanging baskets for the front.


The lovely Julie Milne from Equans came to do the weekly meeting and said that  Stu and Steve would be popping in for a chat. They just could not believe the progress since their last visit and as usual they asked what they could do to help. ‘Thank you, Stu, I am sure we can think of something to keep you busy. We all love Equans they are always there to lend a hand in the community,’ says Marion.

The visit by Eileen from Sharp Advice Services  went down really well and all were enlightened as to the wonderful service they provide; free confidential, independent advice and help and support on a multitude of issues.The lovely Liam  installed sockets in the corridor so  table lamps can be strategically placed in the entrance to enhance the ambience and make it welcoming.  Then Ross the joiner dropped in to box some pipes, after Mick, from Equans, delivered the materials. Such teamwork!

Julie, Community Opportunities, who has been using our centre, and feels she is now an honorary member of the “Brady Bunch” dropped off a gift. Well, you are even more a member of the ‘Brady Bunch’ now, pet. 


But heavens, the gifts kept on coming. Staff from Equans attended the last Coffee morning before Easter and they didn’t come empty handed. They brought an array of chocolate eggs for the community and flowers for Marion, so much excitement.


More gifts, this time from Brady Square’s  very own Edith Bradley, who had brought daffodils for everyone, painstakingly wrapping each bunch and tying them with gold ribbon. What a marvellous and thoughtful thing to do.

Thelma won the food hamper and was cock-a hoop, poor Jen shouted she was one number off again, maybe next time it will be her turn. Red Shoes Bob entertained  with his stand-up Bingo. The food was delicious and the Easter Chocolate cake from Di’s Diner was simply scrumptious.

The floral arranging class has been a huge succes. Clearly Tina is a wonderful teacher and the ladies were so thrilled with the floral pieces they created – just look at these springlike offerings – quite splendid. They say they are very much looking forward to the next class.

As Easter approaches, a time of hope Margaret always feels, all at Columbia Community Association would like to wish everyone a very peaceful Palm Sunday. Frost Magazine echoes this sentiment, and thanks you all for allowing them to accompany the CCA on this wonderful community journey. 

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square