Common Mistakes Made When Brushing Your Teeth

Ah, brushing your teeth; It’s one of theimages most ingrained habits in the UK, and it’s something that everyone knows how to do, right?  Well, not always.  There is actually evidence that quite a lot of people still make some fairly basic errors when brushing their teeth.  Because we’re nice, we’ve put together this little list of some of the most common mistakes that people make:

Not picking a brush with the right bristles.  As time goes by, toothbrushes are becoming more and more varied in terms of their design and the way in which the bristles work.  Though they still come down to the same patterns – straight and angled – the materials used for them has changed quite a bit, with everything from solid plastic to the traditional fibres a part of modern bristles.  This means that the tougher brushes are even more unsuitable for those with weaker gums, and yet many people who suffer from small amounts of bleeding without brushing still use them.  Needless to say, this is a seriously bad idea.

Not brushing enough.  This is possible the most common mistake, with a great many people simply not brushing either enough times a day or for a long enough period.  The typically recommended time period is for at least two minutes each time, at least twice a day taking place.   Any less will often lead to problems in the long run.

Brushing too hard.  The other main error is to actually brush too hard or for too long, as this can both expose the root of the tooth to some irritation, as well as erasing the enamel on the teeth.    It can also cause serious damage to the gums if over a prolonged period of time.

Not brushing the inside.  Watch any toothpaste advert, and you’ll inevitably be confronted with the sight of some gorgeous person, frantically brushing away at the front and centre teeth. Unfortunately, this has led to a great many people not taking their inside cleaning as seriously as the outside, meaning that plaque will quite often build up the mouth side.  Needless to say, you should spend just as much time cleaning the inside as the outside.  A lack of inside cleaning will likely lead to you visiting a dentist like Kool Smiles.

Not replacing their toothbrush often enough.  If you wash up in the old-fashioned way, imagine having to use the same sponge or scourer for six months.  Not a pleasant thought, is it, all that muck and dirt being scrubbed back onto those clean dishes?  As an item that spends half of its time soaking wet and cleaning up dirt, a toothbrush needs to be replaced around every couple of months to ensure it is helping and not hurting.

Not rinsing.  Again, the best way to think of this is to imagine having a good bath and then not rinsing the tub down afterwards!  A good rinse is the perfect way to ensure all of the bacteria and food that the brushing has scrubbed away from the teeth is sent back down the plughole.  Not doing so means it will linger around the mouth, which isn’t what anybody wants.

Finding the Right Car for You


Buying a new car is a daunting task, whether you are a first-time buyer or have had several cars over the years. Like buying a house or a holiday, buying a new car is a big commitment, takes up a lot of time and effort and can cost you quite a bit.

There are a few simple things to remember when buying a new car that should make the whole process go a lot smoother. Here is a quick guide to help you avoid the common mistakes when buying a car and help you make the right decision first time.

New vs. Used

First you need to decide whether you want to buy new or used. The process with each is quite different and so you need to be aware of what you’re getting into before you start. The positives with buying new are that you can pick exactly which specifications you want plus new cars often come with incentives such as interest free purchase and fuel discounts. The downside is you often pay more overall. Used cars may limit your choices but you can often find a great bargain and you avoid the initial depreciation of the car since it has already left the showroom.

What do you want?

When it comes to buying a new car it seems that every man and his dog has an opinion about what, how and where you should do it. But when it comes down to it, who do you trust? The important thing is to figure out what you want from your new car, not what everyone else thinks you want. If you are searching for something small and fuel efficient to drive around a city with, or a big family car that is economical as well as safe, then the places you look for cars is going to be quite different. Before you even start looking for a new car, decide exactly what it is that you are looking for. This will save a lot of stress further down the line and help to keep you on track.


When you are buying your car, you want to go to a place that has a trusted name and a strong reputation for good customer service and after-sales. Online review sites are a vital part of this process and can be instrumental in finding the right purchase for you. Check trader websites for their testimonial and review pages, as well as their sales to build up an idea of the company itself. Websites that have pages such as Reviews of Big Motoring World for example, are a great way to get an overall idea of the standard practices of a business.

Do Your Research

In the end, the simplest advice is the best – do your research. As with any big purchase, don’t feel rushed to buy the first thing that comes along. Take your time, mull it over and make sure your buying the right car for you.

3D Visuals Explained


Since the dawn of time, we as a species have used imagery to project thoughts, feelings and emotions. From cave paintings, mosaics, roman statues to the development of photography and cinema in to the modern day, where we have a new obsession for 3D imagery in every form. We crave to be immersed in a whole new world, quite literally, hence the popularity of Pandora in 20th Century Fox’s record breaking Avatar. 3D is considered to be the next key feature that is and will continue to enhance our visual experience.

Ever wondered how a 3D visual is actually created? Well, sites like can help to give you a breakdown on the process. 3D visualisations are used over a wide variety of can be a life-like or photo-realistic images and animation, it can also be used to explain an idea or concept. 3D visualisations, or other 3D content can even be used along side other mediums to create a collaborative mixed media projects.

Interactive content and applications are invaluable for helping your visualise designs and products, whilst at the same time engaging users. Interactive content can be anything from a simple interface to link images and text together, or as complex as a 3D product configurator, allowing customers to customise products in real-time.

3D virtual visualisation can not only help you and others to visualise your product, but it will also help you to identify design issues, it can be used for your market research minimising your risks and saving you lots of money before you have your physical product in the market.

What a 3D Visual can do for you:

  1. It can help not only you, but also your prospective investor or customer to visualise your proposal within its early stages. You will be able to identify and solve design problems.
  2. Your designer can explore the design concept with you, by adding or removing features, variations, colours, and textures. Once to generate photo realistic images, you can use these for your market research.
  3. 3D visualisation will also allow you to virtually simulate how your product will look on the shelves against competitors.
  4. Once you have your feedback and research complete, you should be thinking about a physical prototype and manufacturing. Don’t stop there; you can use your 3D visuals for Marketing and Promotion purposes. Recycle your virtual model again and again, using it to aide printed material in marketing campaigns, as well as using this within fully animated TV adverts, online videos, presentations.

Products and scenes can be easily created and manipulated within the 3D visualisation arena to create true to life images that are more cost effective than producing the real thing.

The possibilities endless and the CGI era has only just begun…

Injury Law Explained

There are so many misunderstandings when it comes to injury law. Personal injury or tort law often makes people think of lawsuits, but many cases never even end up in the court room. Most cases are now settled out of court, as it may appear easier, friendlier and cheaper.

It is important to understand thimagesat personal injury is a type of tort or civil wrong, in which harm has been caused to an individual, due to another individual failing to use reasonable care. The law then recognizes this as grounds to sue the offender in order to recover losses of the afflicted.

Many people may be subject to negligence and suffer an accident as a consequence, but never do anything about it. It is for this reason, that you must know your rights.
The main goal of tort law is to recompense the injured party and to discourage others from committing the same offense.

The main issue under scrutiny in a personal injury claim is liability. This is determined by proving that the individual that caused the harm did so because of negligence. It must also be proven that it was foreseeable that this failure could result in the injury that occurred to the other party.

The most common injuries in which you can make a claim are: road traffic accidents, accidents at work, tripping accidents, assault claims, accidents at home, product defect accidents and holiday accidents.

In order to make a case you need to make note of the following:

• Date of the accident with full details
• Details of any witnesses
• Medical diagnosis and treatment
• Proof of loss of earnings and financial expenses as a result of your injury

There are a number of personal injury companies out there that offer no win no fee claims. It is important to check there are no hidden charges in the services they offer by making sure you use a firm of real lawyers that have the experience necessary.

If, after reading this, you think you have a case, get in touch with a solicitor as soon as possible and request further information and advice. You may be able to make a claim.

Parking Guide Infographic

Are you like one of the 1 in 6 drivers who struggles to park their car?  If so, this handy cut out and keep guide to parking could be just what you need. Place it strategically on your dashboard and you will never be stuck in the multi-storey again.

Parking Guide Infographic
Parking Guide Infographic – An infographic by T W White & Sons

How Socialised Medicine May Affect Nursing Jobs in the U.S.

imagesWith health care reform a major, continuing topic of debate, anyone who wears nurse scrubs is no doubt concerned about the future of their profession. The suggestion of socialized medicine and the variable permutations of it already implemented in other countries beg the question of how such an enormous change would affect nursing jobs.

There are only hypothetical answers, since any model that can be studied, such as those in Britain, Australia, Canada, and France would be significantly different than anything employed in the U.S. The word “socialized” confuses the question, bringing up concerns of threats to capitalism. The Obama administration is looking for reforms in health care, not to change the American economic philosophy, and socialism isn’t remotely what the end product will be.

What has become apparent is that the current system fails to guarantee all the medical needs of the population, but as of now, no other system currently in operation anywhere in the world can suffice. Nurses and everyone else in healthcare in the United States also understand that capitalism also produces the incentives for competition to perform the best service possible.

One of the concerns of nurses in America is that cost reductions from healthcare will dramatically cut their salaries since labor is the largest part of health expenses. The American Journal of Nursing claims there are many avenues for cutting costs without decreasing nursing pay including decreasing insurance company profits, tort reform for malpractice claims, and smaller corporate profits.

Whatever else is on the horizon, the U.S. Department of Labor gives a good job outlook for nursing; by 2020, jobs for RNs are expected to have increased by 26% since 2010, better than average for every occupation. This growth is due to expanded preventative care, projected advancements in medical technology, and the enormous baby-boomer population that will be requiring more healthcare services because they’re remaining active and living longer. So far, expectations are for 711,900 new positions for RN’s with associate degrees between 2010 and 2020.

On the All Nurses forum, a Canadian RN who has worn nurse scrubs for fifteen years of experience in their healthcare system, proffers that in America, it will be doctors rather than nurses whose salaries and fees would be regulated, and that the earning for nurses would not be greatly affected.

She is quick to point out that her wage is anything but Socialist, as she makes a commensurate amount to American nurses, as well as evening, night, and weekend premiums. In addition, 75% of her vision and dental care, life and disability insurance, RRSP and pension contributions, and other extended healthcare benefits are paid by her employer. She also reports that she does not work for the government, but for the local health region in which her hospital is located.

One thing that may be in the offing for nurses is a slightly increased workload. Healthcare professionals in Quebec recorded that income controls did negatively impact the work incentives of general practitioners, who spent on an average of 11 percent less time with their patients, shortening their working year by two-and-a-half weeks. Those in nurse scrubs, on the other hand, were still fairly paid but also took up some of the slack for the doctors, an inequity that still seeks a solution by the Canadian healthcare system.

Catching some ZZZZ’s – Choosing The Right Mattress For You

Recent studies have shown that having a new mattress improved sleep quality by 62.0%, sleep comfort by 70.8% and reduced back pain by 55.3% and back stiffness by 50.7% over a four-week period. That’s a huge change in someone’s quality of life and it’s all down to their mattress. We spend an awful lot of time asleep, yet take for granted all the effects that it has on us.  It’s not simply a case of getting enough sleep, but the quality of sleep that counts and that is impacted by your surroundings and, specifically, your mattress.

The average life of your mattress is around 9 years. In 9 years you will spend approximately 24,000 hours in bed, so it is reasonable to suggest that your mattress is an investment not to be taken lightly. Choosing the right mattress is essential to a happy relationship with your bed, so follow our guide to help you make the right decision.

Contrary to popular belief, a hard mattress is not necessarily the best for your back. Provided that the mattress has a good quality structure, the softness is down to personal preference. Choose a mattress retailer who specialises in mattresses to ensure that the structure of the mattress has not been compromised for comfortable padding that will only last a few years.

Don’t be afraid to slip off your shoes and lay on several mattresses at the store to try them out. If you’re in the right store the salespeople will encourage you to do so. All the mattresses will feel comfortable at first, especially if it has been a rather arduous shopping trip, so you will need to spend a good 15 minutes laying on the mattress, in which time if it is too firm or soft, your back will probably start to let you know or you may feel uncomfortable when you stand again.

Think about the needs of your partner too. If you are co-sleeping, you will need to ensure that what’s perfect for you in a mattress is suitable for your partner.

Do your research. It’s so easy to be bombarded with jargon and science and the wide array or types of mattress technology now available. Before you start shopping, find out about the different types of mattresses and the pros and cons to each so you are already armed with knowledge.

Once you’ve made your choice, ensure that your mattress comes with a warranty or 30 day in-home trial. A higher end mattress should come with this guarantee, which will give you peace of mind that if you’ve made a colossal mistake, you won’t have to live with discomfort.

Now you’ve got your new mattress, looking after it properly will ensure that it stays in good condition. Air your mattress every morning by just throwing the bedclothes off for 20 minutes to allow the body moisture collected overnight to evaporate. Vacuum your mattress every time you change your bedclothes, this will help to keep dust mites to a minimum and help to keep your mattress clean.

Sweet Dreams!

How To Find And Play Great Games Online

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll be pretty addicted to the Internet – from constantly checking your social media accounts, catching up on the latest current affairs, finding the latest deals on the latest fashions, and even, playing online games to help and cure your boredom on a rainy day.

But, I often find that it’s enjoying the latter that often leaves me in a little bit of a predicament – I never know where to find the best games.  Whether I’m on my lunch break, or looking for a little bit of entertainment in the evenings or at weekends, I always have trouble finding a great game that leaves me captivated and enthralled. The Internet has so many capabilities these days that anyone can create games at the touch of a button, often meaning that gaming fanatics such as you and I are left to try and trawl through all of the spam just to find a fun new game.

Well, to help you on your quest to find great games online, here are a few tried and tested ways to help you wade through the spam sites, helping you to find – and play – those great games straight away.

1. Read Forums

If you’re looking for an amazing new game to try out and are open to new suggestions on what games to try, then gaming forums are a great place to start. Gaming forums are quite often filled with a plethora of gaming fanatics just like you, all eager to trying out the latest new games, express their thoughts to them, as well as give other users hints and tips to help them get the most out of a particular game – so you can see exactly what other people think about new games that are released, and from them you can determine whether or not the game is worth giving a go.

2. Check Out Reviews

Now, I bet if you own a smartphone and you happen to love games then there’s also a high chance that the app store on your mobile phone has become one of your best technological friends. Why? Because aside from letting you download games at your fingertips, it’s one of the best platforms for being able to quickly see what games have newly been released. And what’s more, with many app stores featuring their very own top charts, they also allow you to see what games are good, and which ones aren’t – thanks to their user review and rating system. Now, although I’m talking about using your mobile phone to find great games here, it’s a great way to make sure you’re not running into those pesky gaming spam websites – because other users will have done all that work for you. Simply download the top rated games from your app store’s charts and you’re guaranteed to have endless hours of fun! If your mobile phone’s display is just a little too small for you to fully enjoy your chosen game, then many apps nowadays allow you to connect online and download the app on your tablet, and even, on your laptop.

3. Subscribe To A Popular Gaming Blog

I love to find out all of the latest news when it comes to technology and gaming, and one of the best ways that helps me to do this is through gaming blogs. As well as regularly checking them online, many blogs allow you to physically subscribe to them. By simply entering your email address into the blogs system, the site will proceed to email you with any new blog posts, articles or news updates, so you can stay updated whenever you are. So, if a new blog post comes in about an amazing new game that’s been released, you’ll get notified straight away so you can download it as soon as you get home!

And, what’s more, subscribing to a popular online gaming blog will mean that the blog will also physically do all of the sifting of the spam sites from the good sites, for you too. For example, many gaming blogs will feature only the highest quality casinos, games and apps, so their readers can be rest assured that they’ll only ever receive updates of the highest quality entertainment and sites.

This article was contributed by Stuart Harrison, an experienced gaming and casino writer. You can find more about Stuart, here.