Too Hot To Work Legally: Beat The Heat.

The sun is shining and it’s the 1st time the thermometer has hit the 30s in yonks. Cooped up in your office, it’s vital for your health to drink lots of water and keep cool – but we all know this, right?

With offices failing to adhere to health and safety regulations, fans have been removed leaving staff overheated in a fan-free stuffy workplace…and we just don’t agree!

The heat wave is meant to continue on and off throughout August and with the hottest day of the UK (so far) reaching a whopping 33.5 degrees, offices should be kept at a reasonable temperature (16 degrees) with ventilation and fans being provided during these periods of hot weather. So to keep you cool, Prezzybox are offering our customers a USB LED Fan for just £6.95. No safety regulations or electrical testing required for the office, just plug in and keep cool in these increasingly warm temperatures. Don’t wait for them to sell out; get your hands on them while they’re still in stock!

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