Winning Body Language By Mark Bowden { Book Review }

Winning Body Language: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message without Saying a Word by Mark Bowden

I have also been a fan of body language, reading a number of books on the subject. I feel that, because of this, I am a good judge of when a book is good or not. This one is. Mark Bowden does not just know about body language. He has developed an entire system.

It is breathtakingly original. A real page turner full of wisdom and common sense. Mark Bowden is an elite trainer of Fortune 50 CEOs and G8 world leaders, and it shows.

You will learn how to master the visual Truthplane to win trust, gesture in the right way and appeal to other people. This book is great for both actors and businesspeople.

Although most body language books I read are mostly common sense, I feel I really learned something from this book. The different sections build into each other beautifully. It is a fresh approach and a very good read.

Buy it. This book is an investment.

Catherine Balavage