Grooming gifts for men – from Brisk and Johnny’s Chop Shop

Great Grooming products from Brisk and Johnny's Chop Shop

Great Grooming products from Brisk and Johnny’s Chop Shop

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat and you haven’t got a clue what to give your man for Christmas. There are some great ranges of grooming products which are ideal for the image-conscious male.

Johnny’s Chop Shop (available at Boots and online) and Brisk (available from Boots and Waitrose) both have ranges of products, which make great gifts. Both ranges are unfragranced, which means that they won’t clash with whatever aftershave your bloke normally wears.

Johnny’s Chop Shop are offering a traditional barber shop range. The Born Lucky shampoo £6 for 150g) has a shot of conditioner and leaves your hair squeaky clean without taking all the moisture out. The Soul and Balm face balm (£7.50 for 125ml) is a moisturiser, which puts life back into listless skin. There is also Wild Cat Hair Clay (£7 for 70g), which gives a very stiff hold. It’s great for men – and women – if you want to build a quiff or really make a statement with your hair.

Brisk is aimed at hipsters who enjoy spending time with their beards. They offer a beard oil (£6.99 for 50ml) and a beard shampoo (£4.99 for 150ml). The beard oil leaves an attractive sheen and helps tame even the most unruly beard.

Diane Kruger Beauty Tips

Diane KrugerThe incredibly stylish Diane Kruger has revealed her secret for beautiful hair at music festivals, “My hair is fine, so I use a spritz of Klorane dry shampoo for body,”

The gorgeous 36-year-old also said sleep is her secret weapon. ‘I try to get nine hours of sleep a night. It’s really that simple. Of course, it’s hard to do sometimes, especially when I am working, but I feel and look better when I sleep well. I also noticed a great improvement in my skin when I gave up smoking. There are no secret potions, though.’

Klorane dry shampoo should be sprayed on the roots and then massaged in. It gives a great body boost and I am a fan myself. Don’t spray to close to the hair or it will make your hair white. It costs £7.50 from John Lewis.