Identity Thief is worth a watch | Film

identitytheifQuite often when you plan to go the cinema, it can be difficult to find a film that appeals to both you and the person you’re going with. Some people love historical dramas like Lincoln, while others find them tedious and slow to watch. Others love action movies like the Die Hard series, while some people would rather spend an afternoon at the dentist’s instead!

One film that is out at the moment and that may appeal to everyone is the light hearted comedy Identity Thief starring Jason Bateman (teen star of 80’s sitcoms like It’s Your Move and the Hogan Family) and Melissa McCarthy. This crazy caper is guaranteed to give plenty of laughs and will ensure that any stresses or worries you have on your mind disappear while you watch.

This is a film that is directed by Seth Gordon and has a script written by Craig Mazin. Bateman plays the character of a quiet and unassuming businessman called Sandy Patterson, who lives and works in Denver. One day, Sandy answers a call about someone trying to steal his identity, and gullibly hands over all his bank and security details to the person on the end of the line. This, of course, is the person who is about to steal his identity – and the twist is that she’s a woman.

Melissa McCarthy plays the role of Diana – a woman living in Florida who then spends up Sandy’s bank account on her lavish and dodgy lifestyle. The film follows Sandy’s tracking down of Diana and the subsequent adventures they have avoiding the bad company that Diana usually keeps.

It may not have the most profound plot in the world, but Identity Thief is one of those films that has enough slapstick and farce in it to appeal to a wide cross-section of audiences. If you feel like a fun night out, you should check your local cinema listings and give this one a whirl!