Republicans Close In On Obama

By this time next summer, the Republican candidate to challenge President Obama will be known, but at this point the list of candidates and potential candidates for the nomination is still far from finalised. With the “will-he-or-she-run-questions” still being asked and answered, some of the names with the highest familiarity among the general public are still not even declared candidates.

Obviously, because of her run for Vice President with John McCain, almost nine in ten Americans (86%) are familiar with Sarah Palin and 75% of U.S. adults are familiar with Rudy Giuliani – both of whom are still undeclared, but possible candidates for the nomination. Majorities of Americans are familiar with declared candidates Newt Gingrich (72%), Mitt Romney (67%), and Ron Paul (52%) while half are familiar with Michele Bachmann (50%). All other potential candidates are at 30% or under in terms of familiarity.

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll of 2,183 adults surveyed online between July 11 and 18.

Even among Republicans, many declared candidates do not have majorities familiar with them. Tim Pawlenty (33%), Rick Santorum (31%), Herman Cain (29%), and Jon Huntsman (15%) all have one-third of Republicans or less familiar with them.

With this in mind, it’s not surprising that among Republicans, over one-quarter (28%) say they are not at all sure who they would vote for if they were voting in the Republican primary. Rudy Giuliani (14%) and Mitt Romney (14%) rise to the top among Republicans followed by Sarah Palin (12%). All the other candidates presented are under 10% including Rick Perry (8%), Michele Bachmann (6%), and Ron Paul (5%). Among Independents, there is a three-way tie for first place between Rudy Giuliani (10%), Mitt Romney (10%) and Ron Paul (10%). But over two in five Independents (42%) say they are not at all sure who they would vote for in the Republican primary election.

Looking ahead to November, it seems there are three possible candidates who could give President Obama a difficult time. President Obama would lose his re-election if Rudy Giuliani (53% to 47%) or Mitt Romney (51% to 49%) was the Republican nominee. Each candidate would receive 50% of the vote if the President was running against Ron Paul. Right now, President Obama would win re-election against the 10 other candidates presented.

The Republican are yet to figure out who they are and begin the process of coalescing around one candidate. In the study of politics, there is always a debate regarding electability and this election may show that clearly. Should Republicans nominate a candidate who stands for certain values or policies important to a sub-section of the party, even though that candidate may not be electable in the general election? This is a question the Republican party needs to answer if they want to win next November.

Be upstanding for The President of the United States…Jon Stewart reels in the big fish.

I can hardly contain my excitement…I love Jon Stewart, I love the Daily Show and I think Barack Obama is one cool dude. It’s like Christmas has came early as now…

Please be upstanding for the President of The United States of America…. Barack Obama…. Jon Stewart’s guest on The Daily Show. Tonight at 8.30pm on More4.

Mr Obama was making his first appearance as President on Jon Stewart’s satirical The Daily Show – in a studio that was transported to Washington DC, along with the audience.

For Mr Stewart, a chance to show his slightly more serious side – as he quizzed the President on his record.

“You ran on very high rhetoric, hope and change, and the Democrats this year seem to be running on, ‘Please baby, one more chance’,” he quipped – as Obama defended his policies on health care and financial regulation.

“When we promised during the campaign ‘change you can believe in’…it was ‘change you can believe in – but we’re going to have to work for it.” Barack Obama

There is a preview of the two heavyweights going at it below.

Obama had to defend his policy and record so far as Stewart slammed him hard. All is not looking too rosy for the President, In fact the latest poll for the New York Times has some far more worrying news for the Democrats: it’s not just young people who are disillusioned, but other key elements of the coalition which swept Obama to power are actively switching to the Republicans.

According to the survey – the GOP has managed to wipe out the Democratic advantage among women, Catholics, the less affluent and independent voters. Not only that, but the Republicans are now far and away the party most trusted to handle the budget deficit, while President Obama’s own approval ratings still languish at around 43 per cent.

Last night, in a conference call with volunteers from “Organising for America” – tasked with trying to get out the vote for Democrats in these last few crucial days – Obama told them: “We’ve got to run through the tape. We can’t just run half a race: we’ve got to keep on going.”

The White House has just six days left to persuade its erstwhile supporters there’s still some hope left, and still some change to come.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Weeknights at 8.30pm on More4.