Unicorn Horn For Cats: The Ultimate in Funky Feline Headwear

Unicorn Horn For Cats- The Ultimate in funky feline headwearOkay, it might make your cat disown you and go live with your neighbour, but the few moments of hilarity, and any pictures you manage to grab, will surely make it worth it. This unicorn hat for cats is one of the greatest things EVER.

This funky feline headwear is all you need to make your cat into a Unicorn. Up the cuteness and cracking character that your cat has with this Inflatable Unicorn Horn For Cats.Your feline friend will look awesome, be it grumpy or gorgeous – your moggy will easily pull off this amazing accessory for between their fluffy little ears.Ideally shaped for all cats’ noggins, the elastic strap system helps it sit straight on your kitty’s head without getting on their nerves.

This inflatable dress up feature for your cat is 14cm long, made of vinyl and slips straight over their ears. Available for only £6.95 from www.prezzybox.com now.