The five things filmmakers can learn from Kickstarter by Andrew Harmer

The five things filmmakers can learn from Kickstarter (and visa-versa The five things Kickstarter creators can learn from filmmakers). By a filmmaker in the middle of a campaign!


Hello, I’m Andrew Harmer, the writer-director of the Fitzroy. Right up front I want to say we are currently slap bang in the thick end of a Kickstarter campaign.


Here’s the elevator pitch for the film.


The Fitzroy is a live action black comedy set in an alternative post-apocalyptic 1950’s. The world is covered in a poisons gas and the last place for a traditional seaside holiday is The Fitzroy hotel an abandoned submarine just of Margate.


This list isn’t necessarily the five things we have done, but it is the five things we would do (or be prepared for) if we started over again! Kickstarter, like film making is a constant learning curve and this list might well change by the end of the campaign.


  1. Tell the most interesting story.

You only really get one shot at a Kickstarter campaign or making a film. Sure you might do another one or another dozen but then a bus might also hit you! So you better make this one count and make it the best it can be.


And that means telling the best story you can.


A film has to be the very best ‘version’ of that story you can possibly tell. The most interesting, dramatic and honed story possible.  Nobody want’s the B plots to be more interesting than your focus so make sure you are telling the most interesting story.


The same goes for a Kickstarter campaign. You need to hook people into your campaign and to do that you need a great story (as well as a great product). And I don’t just mean the story you are selling, I mean the story behind the project. YOUR story. Your struggles, the adventure you have been on to get to this point. Is your idea based on a life altering brush with death? Did you witness a moment of kindness between an old man and his wife on the buss while riding the bus to work? It doesn’t matter what it is, just make sure it’s interesting and told the best way possible.


2) Be yourself.

Let your personality shine. I like films where I can ‘see’ the personalities of the filmmakers. I don’t always like those personalities, but I would much prefer to see an idiosyncratic film than a pixel pushing blockbuster with no heart. I truly believe a soul of a film comes from the people who make it. While it is being made it absorbs the personality and characteristics of the director (if they want it to). And I want to see that. Film is a personnel experience a conversation between the viewer and the director.


Same goes for Kickstarter, but to an even larger degree. The old adage ‘people invest in people’ is true. You have to put yourself out there. It’s scary but you have to share your passion, fears and hopes. Sure you might end up looking like a fool but if you don’t put yourself out there people will just turn off. But word of warning – don’t try to be something you’re not. If you’re funny be funny but if you are not don’t even try. Cool and hip? That’s fine but if you aren’t don’t force it. People can smell it, and it stinks. No bullshit. Just be yourself and people will engage with you.


3) Do it quick.

Okay this is straightforward. Kickstarter is on the web so you don’t have long to tell your story. Minutes, if you are lucky but seconds in reality. So you better make your page accessible, clear and your pitch video SHORT and to the point.


Same goes for the film (unless you’re Terrence Malick) edit, edit, edit. Cut the fat and edit that script so it’s tighter than a drum. All through the film and into post production, if it doesn’t move the story on then it goes. Don’t waste people’s time.


Word of warning though don’t jump the gun and rush head first in to it. With both Kickstarter and films make sure you are ready, that everything is prepared. And even if you think it is –  it probably isn’t. Do it quick but make sure you are prepared.


  1. Know your audience and engage with them.

Kickstarter is social, very social. It is a direct link between creators and their audience and in my humble opinion a very powerful tool. But before you start a campaign you must identify the audience you are targeting. This could be fairly obvious, your family and friends, people with ipods, hardcore gamers, Teddy Ruxpin fans. Whatever your audience you need to identify them, find them and engage with them.


Film-makers need to do the same thing. There’s not a one size fits all film. Everyone has different tastes and yes you can try to create a film that appeals to as many people as possible and the mass market. But I prefer films that are aimed at… well… me and my tastes. There is a distinct risk when trying to appeal to everyone that you can water down a story. Be specific and know your audience.


  1. Take it seriously and have respect.

Both Kickstarter and filmmaking are, at the end of the day, businesses and you are asking for people’s time and money. That is not to be taken lightly. Sure you are hopefully giving back to them in the form of entertainment or in the case of Kickstarter some sort of reward. When people give you their hard earned money you have a responsibility, a contract to deliver on your promises and work your boney ass off to make sure you do.


If I can tell someone has put their heart and soul in to a project or a film it means a lot to me as an audience member and it pays dividends.


  1. Be flexible and learn to adapt.

Just like this list! It was meant to be five and we end up with six? It’s not a problem just not what I was expecting when I started writing. It took me by surprise. Your Kickstarter project is an organic beast, it is going to change and develop as the campaign progresses. It is going to throw you some curve balls, stuff you planed will fail and other avenues and opportunities will suddenly appear. You can’t let the setbacks knock you, you just have to keep moving forward and be open to any new possibilities.


I can’t think off anything that is more applicable than that to film making! Be flexible and make it work.



So that’s it, that’s what I have learnt so far, and who knows what is around the corner. Hopefully we can reach our target and make an awesome film. If I heed my own advice, we just might!


If you would like to see how we are doing on our campaign please check it out. any advice or support in spreading the word would be warmly welcomed.




The Fitzroy – The Final Week on Kickstarter

A post-apocalyptic comedy about the last
refuge for a seaside holiday

The final week of the Kickstarter Campaign

The Fitzroy, is black-comedy live action feature film set in a post-apocalyptic 1950’s, on board The
Fitzroy hotel, a leaky submarine beached just off Margate – the last refuge for a traditional summer

Written and Directed by Andrew Harmer and Produced by Liam Garvo & James Heath, the team
behind Dresden Pictures.

Short Synopsis:
Set in an alternative post-apocalyptic 1950’s, The Fitzroy hotel, a derelict submarine beached just
off Margate, is the last place for a traditional summer holiday.

Bernard, the hotel’s bellboy, cook, maintenance man and general dogsbody faces a constant battle to
keep the decaying hotel airtight and afloat.

But when he falls in love with Sonya, a murderous guest, he is thrown into a world of lies,
backstabbing and chaos. As Bernard struggles to hide her murders from the other guests and
suspicious authorities, the hotel literally begins to sink around him.

As his world implodes, Bernard must choose between the woman he thinks he loves and the hotel
submarine that is keeping them all alive.


The Fitzroy, Kickstarter campaign really caught alight in the last week. On Tuesday 11th December
we were delighted to be announced by Kickstarter as their ‘Project of the Day’ and featured on the
home page spotlight for the whole day, this led to over a £7,000 increase in pledges. Kickstarter
followed this up on Thursday 13th December by naming The Fitzroy as ‘Projects we Love’ in their
weekly newsletter, with the subject line ‘Hotel Submarine’. This went to everyone registered on
Kickstarter, and over the next 24 hours resulted in 200+ new backers.

To create The Fitzroy, Dresden Pictures are looking to raise £60,000 through Kickstarter. We’ve
had some incredible support and at the time of writing have raised 83% of the target, an incredible
£50,000. We really couldn’t be happier and now we are looking for one big final push to get us over
our goal.

The campaign finishes Sunday 23rd December at 6pm GMT. For The Fitzroy to happen we need
to reach 100% of our target by this time or we don’t get any of the money and none of our generous
backers will be charge and lastly the film simply won’t get made.

One of the key reasons why we believe Kickstarter have got behind the campaign is due to our
eagerness to engage the audience throughout the campaign in new and original ways.
In the first weekend, The Fitzroy team was out in full force at the Sci-Fi London Post Apocolympic
event on Nov 9th & 10th chatting to the patrons about the project, its rewards and raising
awareness. This was followed by an open invite shindig, in Hoxton, London at the Underbelly on
Nov 19th and had the film’s soundtrack producers, the Green Rock River Band (GRRB) playing
their mean doom-folk sound.

On the weekend of 8/9th December we were brave (maybe foolish) enough to take on making a
short film in 48 hours based on ideas provided and voted for by our followers on Twitter and our
friends on Facebook – we called it the Mini-Fitz Challenge!
Still from the ‘Choke Mate’ shoot.

We wanted to give something back, so asked our fans for their favourite idea, prop, location and title
as well as calling them out to help out as cast and crew. The end result was a five minute film ‘Choke
Mate’ that premiered online on 10th December. It’s a much darker piece than the feature film but
one we are all very proud of achieving with no budget and very little time – check it out for yourself:

On Sunday 16th December we went street busking, with the fantastic GRRB on the London South
Bank. We tapped into a new audience as the crowds gathered round and GRRB soon sold out of
albums. The band got a brilliant reaction from fans. The video of highlights from the day will be going
live in the last week of the campaign.
‘GRRB’ busking on South Bank

We really want The Fitzroy to be a film made by people who like us, at heart, are film fans. We want
them to be part of it and share the experience with us. For example, one of the cool rewards is an
animated cartoon version of you or your loved one, which will inhabit the opening title sequence.
We’ve really tried to tailor the Kickstarter rewards to be as exciting as possible. Our rule was if we
wouldn’t pledge for it, then how can we ask others to. So we feel there are some great rewards in the
form of posters, DVD box sets out of a Beach Survival kit and gas mask props from the finished film!
The full list is viewable on our Kickstarter page, as well all other details on The Fitzroy.
View the Kickstarter video for The Fitzroy

Writer & Director Andrew Harmer
James Heath (Producer), Andrew Harmer, Liam Garvo (Producer)