Hair loss and thinning – the common condition that women don’t talk about

hair lossIt will happen to half of all women at some point in their lives, but now a new poll of more than 4,000 people in the UK* suggests hair loss and thinning is the ultimate taboo.

The research by Viviscal hair supplements, reveals the lengths men and women will go to in disguising their hair loss. Tricks include colouring in their scalp with a pen and rubbing coffee into their scalp to hide the tell-tale signs.

The main causes of hair loss are thought to be lifestyle factors, such as stress, crash diets, hair extensions and also pregnancy.

The research also reveals the impact that our hair has on our lives with four fifths (80%) saying a good hair day would affect their mood, while a third (34%) say a bad hair day would make them feel self-conscious.

Despite more than half of those questioned saying they feel their hair loss makes them more self-conscious, more than two thirds (69%) have never used any treatment to help them with their thinning hair.

A new statistically significant clinical study in to Viviscal’s drug and hormone free marine supplements has shown promising results for people who experience hair loss or hair thinning, with the trial showing that a two-a-day supplement reduces hair shedding and increases hair thickness, and that women on the trial saw improvement in overall hair volume.**

*Stress is the most common cause of female hair loss, accounting for 34% cases, followed by the hormonal changes after pregnancy, accounting for 22% cases.

**25% of women say they spend 15 minutes on their hair every day, while one in ten (12%) take 30 minutes and 3% even admit to taking an hour.

Viviscal Review *Updates*

2012 was a year were I worked pretty much flat out, so you can imagine that I was pretty stressed sometimes. As a result my hair was not looking it’s best. I decided to do something about it and luckily a PR company sent me some natural food supplement, Viviscal to review.

I took Viviscal for three months. So, the result….

I do think it made a difference to my hair. It definitely grew faster. I have to get my hair cut twice as much. In fact I got it cut and less than a month later a friend commented on how long my hair was. It also definitely has more oomph, is shinier and feels so soft that I keep stroking it. Over all my hair has more volume. Would it work for actual hair loss or actually give you more hair overall? I’m not sure. I took it for three months and you have to take two pills for six months and then one pill after that. The results were promising though. I reckon it is possible. Read more about the study below.

*Update* We bought over six months of Viviscal with our own money for a writer, who wants to remain anonymous, to review. She is suffering from hair loss. After the six months her hair loss was worse, not better, despite the huge expense of the pills. Obviously the Viviscal did not make it worse, it just did not help. She did think her hair was shinier overall. We were also told by two trichologists that no hair supplements actually work. So for actual hair loss we would recommend going to your GP or a Trichologist. We have our very own trichologist who can answer your hair questions.

Kate Hudson apparently gets her amazing hair from taking Viviscal. According to David Babaii, hair stylist,

“Kate’s naturally long and full hair is a result of taking Viviscal”

The principal ingredient AminoMar CTM was originally developed in Finland in the 80’s, when a Finnish Professor discovered that the Inuit’s great hair and skin was a result of their fish and protein rich diet. By isolating the key ingredient molecules to replicate the Inuits’ secret of beautiful hair, he created AminoMar CTM, a ground breaking proprietary marine protein complex.

This was the basis of the first hair growth supplement. Since the professor’s discovery, Viviscal has been tried and tested by doctors, dermatologists, trichologists and hair stylists worldwide. A study of a third male and two thirds female patients, published by the Swedish Alopecia Society, showed that following six months of treatment with Viviscal, 95% of patients showed regrowth of hair. More recently a US study showed an increase in terminal hair after 90 and 180 days of taking the Viviscal supplement verses placebo and as the results were so promising this study is being continued.

Beautiful hair growth begins from within. As well as the AminoMar C marine protein complex, scientifically formulated Viviscal supplements also contain Vitamin C, Niacin, Biotin*, iron, zinc horsetail extract and millet seed extract. These are all essential for maintaining normal healthy hair growth and the basic structural building units of proteins that are essential in the formation of the hair structure.

Viviscal Maximum Strength is priced at £49.95 for 60 tablets (one month supply) and should be taken twice daily – once in the morning and then again in the evening. It is available from Superdrug, Lloyds Pharmacy (including Selfridges), pharmacies and health stores.

Join celebrity hair stylist Errol Douglas at nutritional wellbeing event, beat hair loss

Join celebrity hair stylist Errol Douglas at nutritional wellbeing event and beat hair loss blues. Frost Magazine has nine tickets to giveaway! Just follow us on Twitter and Tweet: “I want to go to Alive2Life wellness event with @Frostmag”

Black and Brown is hosting an Alive2Life wellness event in advance of October’s Lupus Awareness Month

Nutrition and what goes into the body often has an impact on what comes out, including hair growth. Food Doctor’s Anne-France Rix and award winning hairstylist Errol Douglas will be appearing on Saturday 15th September at the Alive2Life event, offering helpful advice about styling options for people experiencing hair loss caused by illnesses such as Lupus. Taking place at the De Vere conference centre, in Canary Wharf, the holistic event will promote healthy wellbeing and is the brainchild of Stephanie Jarrett, 26, who developed extreme reactions to her usual body products, after being diagnosed with Lupus in 2008.

Errol Douglas,
hair stylist says, ‘I’m passionate about the role my industry plays in contributing to confidence in both men and women through the right cut, style and look for the individual. Everybody has their own look, and I love being part of my clients discovering what works for them…and rocking it!’

Stephanie Jarrett, organiser of the Alive2Life event reveals, ‘At it’s worst, I found that my skin and scalp were suddenly so sensitive to products that I’d been using for years, and the resulting soreness and hair loss were really devastating. This led me to found Black and Brown, sourcing natural and organic products, free of harmful ingredients to help others in the same position.’

Errol Douglas will host a Q&A session and encourages readers to submit their hair loss styling questions via Facebook or online, for a chance to win free tickets.

The specialists will be in good company, as an outstanding panel of experts will also be on hand to impart their collective wisdom at theAlive2Life event. Speakers from a multitude of industries ranging from skin care’s Lucy O’Brien to trichology with the Philip Kingsley Clinic’s Glenn Lyons, who will also be in attendance.

For more information about the event visit

Wayne Rooney: is he thinning again?

After spending £30,000 on his hair transplant in June 2011, Wayne Rooney’s hair transplant is always making headlines with recent being that it appears to be thin again. However Harley street hair loss expert Warren Vaheeswaran thinks otherwise. He thinks that Wayne’s Hair transplant has changed the UK hair industry for the better. A year on Wayne’s hair has shown good steady progress. The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method that was used on has been a great favourite with celebrities and sport stars flocking around Harley street just like popping around to the dentists to get their teeth whitened says Warren.

Just 12 months since the procedure was done, concern for the condition of the transplant has been highlighted in the media as getting worse which surprised Warren. He emphasised that hair transplants will never give a full head of hair. Wayne had a good transplant done and used hair loss fibres to thicken it up. Its medically impossible to have a full head of hair unless you take a non surgical hair system route. So when he was filmed without the fibres long hair the media highlighted it. But the real truth is he has had a very good 7000 to 8000 hairs transplanted over 2 days in Harley street & using fibres to keep it thick summarises Warren.
