Home Idea Hacks

Schlafzimmer : Modern bedroom by Die HausManufaktur GmbH
The beginning of the year is usually met with the best of intentions, even if we don’t always stick to them. But there are a few home ideas that can have a lasting impact. The latest obsession with decluttering is a good one, getting rid of unwanted stuff makes things clearer and lets us know what is really needed. Replacing older items with good quality pieces, that will last, is also a great investment.

In the bedroom it is best to not have too much stimulation. Here are some great bedroom ideas


Keep it neutral.

Keeping the bedroom in a neutral colour makes the bedroom a calm environment. You can add touches of colour and personality with furniture, bedding and cushions. A colourful lamp or bedding will add a pop. Some artwork is great but nothing too angry.

Scandinavian style bedroom by saudade muebles

Keep your work out.

The bedroom should be a place where you sleep or relax. This may not always be possible. Especially in cities where many people live in house shares and rent a room in a house. I know when I lived in a house share I got irritated by all of the ‘the bedroom is only for sleeping’ advice in magazines. And what about weekends in bed? The bedroom should be a place of relaxing, sure, but also for fun and chilling out in general. Try to think of it as a place for recuperation. I often make the mistake of taking work to bed but it always leaves me stressed out. In my opinion the bedroom should be your safe haven from the world.


If the bedroom is all you have.

If you live in a house share then it is even more important that your bedroom is a place that makes you happy. You won’t really be able to separate work from relaxing time but you can still make sure your bedroom is a calm place. There will be a lack of space so invest in storage. Under bed storage is great and you can also invest in shelves and colourful boxes to put your stuff in.


Invest in good quality furniture.

Buying the best you can afford is a worthwhile investment. We still have some furniture that my husband was bought when he was a boy. The furniture still looks amazing today. Maybe we will even pass it down to our son.


Do you have any home hacks to share?


In collaboration with homify