iGeneration Facing Lifetime Of Back Pain: Jodie Kidd Talks About Her Experience.

Megan Fox had her tattoo of Marilyn Monroe removed because it had 'negative energy'. We have become a nation obsessed with technology and social media. Much to the detriment of our health. We’re a nation on the brink of a potential back pain epidemic. Experts say the ‘iPosture generation’ spend more time in front of a PC or laptop than they do asleep in bed.

Simplyhealth surveyed more than 3000 adults and found more than 8 out of ten of us have suffered with back pain in the last year (86%) and that we suffer with it on average three times a week.

A combination of work and home screen time (excluding traditional TV) means that over 55s spend an average of 6.64 hours a day in front of a screen compared to 8.83 hour for a typical 18-24 year old.

However, key differences seem to emerge when it comes to the different generations’ use of technology. Two thirds (67 per cent) of 18-24 year olds agree they either slouch or hunch in front of their PC or other devices at work. Their parents on the other hand (45-54 year olds) are more than twice as likely to sit up straight at home, on a chair, with their PC or laptop in front of them.

And parents today are much less likely to tell their children to sit up and stand up straight – 59 per cent of those questioned said they never gave their children this advice.

What do you think? Is the iGeneration destroying their back?