Cutting The Cost of Your Home

Christmas is coming and that means many things but mostly it means our bank accounts are going to take a kicking. It is that expensive time of the year. What better way of ‘making’ money than saving money? A penny saved is a penny earned, as the old saying goes. Every saving helps so here are some ideas on how to save around the house.

Turn your thermostat down. Even turning the thermostat down by one notch saves you lots of money AND it is good for the environment. Win-win.

Change to LED lighting. LED lighting lasts longer than normal lighting. The bulbs last longer and it works out cheaper in the long run. We have some LED panels in our garage and I heartily recommend them. LED lighting is a greener and cheaper alternative to traditional lighting.

Get a draught excluder, or use an old towel. Draught excluders keep the heat in and stop any draughts. Well, obviously, but I always do this. I actually just use an old towel in winter.

Always make sure you are getting the best deal for your bills. There are plenty of sites that will help you switch to a cheaper deal for your bills.

Sell any old stuff you no longer use. It is just taking up space in your home and you do not need it anyway. Declutter while making money with eBay, Depop, or Facebook marketplace. Alternatively, regift items that you received but never used. Much greener and cheaper.

Lastly, remember to keep the Christmas paper and iron it out for next year.

How are you keeping costs down?

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Chic Bedroom Design Ideas You Have to Try

Your bedroom is meant to be that relaxing oasis in your home. It is your escape from all the excitement and noise in your house, it is meant to be soothing and inviting, and yet be inspiring from a design and décor standpoint. If your bedroom is currently lacking in all of the above categories, then it’s time to start thinking about a makeover project. Not only is a stylish and chic bedroom great to look at it, but it can also help to create that sense of calm that encourages healthy sleep habits.

So, before you start feeling overwhelmed with the massive amount of design options out there, here are the top chic ideas to try.

Invest in New Bedroom Furniture

If it’s been years since you invested in new bedroom furniture, it’s time to use a critical eye and take a good look at what you have. Dated furniture is only going to take away from the overall look and feel of the room, no matter what décor you try to match up with it. Even if you don’t have the budget to replace all the furniture, start with one piece and add to it over time.

So, which piece should be replaced first? There’s a good chance that your bed frame is the largest piece of furniture in your room, therefore, it’s a natural starting point. Replacing your bed frame will give the most impact in the room. 

Make sure to choose a frame that allows you to place a mattress foundation and the mattress. You need a good foundation for your mattress in order to properly distribute your weight and prevent sagging of the mattress itself.

Don’t Be Afraid to Mix and Match

This particular tip goes hand-in-hand with the furniture, as an eclectic look in a bedroom is both chic and stylish. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different textures, prints, materials, and even styles. The end result can be something truly beautiful and custom looking.

If you’re having a hard time figuring out what works and doesn’t work together, start with a color palette, and then choose elements that stick to that palette. That will automatically create the sense of flow that you’re trying to achieve.

Embrace Wallpaper

If the word “wallpaper” instantly transports you to the 1980s it’s time to think again. Today’s wallpaper designs and even construction is not at all that of the old styles. Wallpaper is now easier to hang and remove, and you’ll find a massive selection of designs. Even if you just hang wallpaper on one wall of the bedroom, it will instantly elevate the sophistication and elegance in the room. It can also act as a design focal-point.

Give Attention to Your Bedroom Lighting

Your bedroom also acts as the perfect room to tackle a lighting project. From hanging lights, pendant lights, wall sconces, bedside lamps, and chandeliers the options are endless. Lighting is able to add to the room’s ambiance and style, so be sure that you already have a cohesive design vision in place. This will make it much easier to pick out the “perfect” lighting.

Bring in the Decor Pieces

The final touch to any bedroom design is the decor. This is where you can get really creative and let your own personality and design style show. Items such as artwork, plants, vases, and other decorative pieces can truly finish off the design.

A Beautiful and Welcoming Bedroom Design

Using each of these tips will help you to create a bedroom that isn’t just chic and beautiful but is also incredibly welcoming. By the time you’re done your bedroom will look like something straight out of an interior design magazine.


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Special Lighting Ideas to Make Your Big Day Extra Magical

Lighting is such an important part of a wedding – and yet tragically, it’s often forgotten about. There’s absolutely no excuse for this, though, because at the end of the day, lighting adds to the aesthetic you’re trying to create with everything else, and can even make or break your overall “vision”. 

We also shouldn’t forget the importance of good lighting when it comes to photography. Although you’ll probably make use of natural light, as the evening reception rolls around you’ll want to keep up the momentum from before. To a photographer, good lighting is everything – and for the married couple, the photos complement their memories in the years to come.

Add a little sparkle

A wedding is magical, so your lighting really should be, too. Fairy lights give the whole affair a really special touch, and these days they’re so delicate and elegant that they don’t look too plastic (or worse, cheap).

Take a look at the different kinds available – light bulb fairy lights from,uk are an excellent choice because they’ve got a fibre optic aesthetic and fit in really well with just about any setting in any season as they come in a warm white, according to their website. The brand have experience in lighting since 1999, so you’re putting your big day in good hands.

It’s important to listen to the experts when it comes to everything related to your wedding day, because a wrong move could cost you greatly. But that doesn’t mean taking the magic out of everything.

Make a statement

You’ve got the daintier aspects of your lighting sorted – but do you want something of a “main event”?

Chandeliers can make something of a statement and come in many different shapes and sizes, perhaps even fitting in with a theme. You could also opt for a feature light of some kind from a particular era – if you opt for the right one, this can be incredibly vintage. 

This can even be a consideration as early on as when you’re choosing the venue – are there any focal points when it comes to lighting, such as chandeliers, that you’re a fan of?

Don’t forget about selfies

Your guests will want to take photos to remember your wedding forever as well – so why not set up a camera, a professional studio light, and set photos to a beautiful backdrop (such as a tasteful rose wall)?

This can be absolutely amazing if done properly, leaving guests free to either use their phone cameras to take advantage of amazing lighting – and upload pics to various social channels using your custom event filters – or to use the camera that you’ve set up instead. These make for lovely mementos afterwards, and you don’t even need to have a photographer manning it, making for the most natural sort of photos.

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Lighting in a wedding makes the entire day look more beautiful, which not only helps on the day, but also with your photos of the event. Don’t ever be tempted to neglect it!