The Modern Girl’s Guide to Fabulousness by Bethanie Lunn {Book Review}

Last week the two editors of Frost Magazine found themselves sat in a book club in the lounge of the Radisson Edwardian Bloomsbury Street Hotel. Part of their book club initiative, we lounged in the sumptuous surroundings, warmed up with coffees served with mini cheesecake bites (always a winner) and talked to first time author Bethanie Lunn about her book ‘The Modern Girl’s Guide to Fabulousness’.

Described as “an A-Z guide on fun things to do, exciting places to go, what to wear, where to dine, shop and beautify”, Bethanie has tried and tested everything in the 253 page guide which covers all things fabulous across the country. She’s covered everything from the best cocktails, the most exotic hotels and secret boutiques to llama trekking. There’s hints and tips on every subject imaginable and even a tip on something you never thought you’d want to do with half an orange. An incredibly thorough and unique book covering everything you never thought you would want to know in witty detail.
Order The Modern Girl’s Guide to Fabulousness by Bethanie Lunn on Amazon UK