Who is the average gamer?

snoopdoggcomputergamesWith mobile and tablet content steering younger audiences away from the traditional consoles, the face of the average gamer has changed. As the selection of game apps increases and dedicated gaming sites, such as MoneyGaming.com begin to tailor their products to the mobile platform, the stereotypical teenage gamer demographic has migrated from their TV screens to their smartphone screens.

According to a new study, the modern day gamer is actually 35-years-old, married and earning £23,000 a year. These settled, working Brits will play on consoles for around two and a half hours each day for five days a week. They will regularly play until 10.58 pm and own 18 games and two consoles, with the most popular console being the Wii followed by the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.

The study asked 2,000 Brits who considered themselves to be gamers, about their lifestyles and playing habits. On average gamers will indulge their gaming interests by staying up as late as 1.12am and queuing for hours at a midnight store opening in order to get their hands on a new game once a year. There is also no gender divide, with female players spending as much time and money on games as their male equivalents.

“The image most people have of a gamer is usually a young boy, holed up for hours on end in their bedroom, only stopping the game for food, drink and toiler breaks. But these results show that the stereotype couldn’t be more wrong,” said a spokesman for Pixwoo.com, the social media network that commissioned the study.

“Not only are women just as likely to be gamers as men, but we are talking about fully grown adults who work, have a family and are in a relationship. Gaming is no longer something reserved just for children and young adults. There are so many different types of games and consoles to play them on that there is something for all ages.”

The study also revealed that gamers will work an average 32 hours each week, will have one child and will drive a Ford, Vauxhall or BMW. However, their hobby can have an effect on their relationships, with the average gamer arguing with their partner twice a week about their playing. Over one in twenty gamers questioned claim that the pastime is a constant source of rowing, while 15 per cent of those relationships have ended due to gaming.

Despite these issues, more than three quarters of gamers admitted that they don’t think they will ever grow out of loving computer games. The average gaming fan will even form friendships through their hobby. Five online friendships in the “thriving gaming community” is typically forged by the average gamer, with 29 per cent stating to have met at least one of those in person. However, a third say they are more likely to play with their real life friends in the same room, with a quarter connecting to their friends remotely.

“This snapshot into the lives of ordinary gamers disputes many myths about the pastime,” added the Pixwoo.com spokesman, “showing how integrated gaming is into our daily routine.”