Italian Cuisine: The Ultimate Food for Your Brain and Palate

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Italian cuisine is well-loved by people all over the world. Ask anyone what their favourite food is and you would likely hear them say some or all of these–pasta, pizza, tiramisu, and gelato–all of which originated in Italy. Italian food is usually very simple, consisting of very few ingredients but are cooked with love and passion, and served among family and friends, Italy being known for its strong family culture.

While cheese would probably be one of the main reasons why Italian food is such a crowd pleaser (who can resist cheese?), one of the many reasons why people should eat more of this Mediterranean cuisine is the fact that Italian food is actually good for your brain. Much of the basic ingredients that are present in Italian dishes are good for your overall health and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, and other critical illnesses but, in particular, Italian food helps maintain healthy brain cells as we age, preventing cognitive impairment and memory loss.

Olive Oil 

Olive oil is rich in brain-protective antioxidants. Our brain uses about 20% of your total oxygen intake, which makes it vulnerable to oxidation caused by free radicals. In simple terms, our brain is like a cut apple that turns brown when oxidation occurs. Olive oil contains over 30 phenolic compounds that are powerful antioxidants that offset this effect on our brain. It is also rich in vitamins E and K, which have been proven to be good for brain health. Vitamin E helps maintain good memory and prevent mental decline as we age, while vitamin K helps keep the brain sharp and boosts brain processing speed. Vitamin K is also proven to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.


Fresh Tomatoes

What Italian dish doesn’t have tomatoes? Very few, actually. All-time Italian favourites like spaghetti, pizza, calzone, and insalata caprese all have this fresh ingredient that is packed with potent antioxidants called carotenoids, such as lycopene and beta-carotene, that are proven to help protect brain cells from free radicals. Tomatoes are said to also help prevent dementia. Aside from its antioxidant powers, lycopene also regulates genes that cause inflammation and brain growth, helping to prevent cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.


Another great source of vitamin K is truffles, which are often included as basic ingredients in spaghetti and risotto. Aside from functioning as brain booster, truffles are said to be effective in preventing dementia and alleviating depression. They are also said to contain a certain “bliss molecule”, which positively affects one’s mood, appetite, and memory. Truffles are also a good source of protein, which is a key nutrient in brain optimization, which is why people recovering from a brain injury are required to eat protein-rich foods.

Thanks to Italian cuisine, eating food that’s both delicious and good for our brain is possible. Every item on an Italian restaurant menu is always a great choice, so the next time you want to eat out or order food for delivery, order Italian!