4 Essential Equipment to Have in Your Home Gym

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4 Essential Equipment to Have in Your Home Gym


Setting up a home gym is a dream for many. Whether it’s just a small corner in your garage with a few dumbbells or a full-fledged home gym with power racks and other equipment, your home gym can help you achieve your fitness goals. Depending on the available space in your home, you might have to carefully choose the right equipment that will fit the space without cluttering it. You need to have free space to move around freely without obstacles leading to accidents and injuries.


It would often make sense to purchase home gym packages instead of buying individual equipment. It will not only save you a lot of money but using the equipment from one brand gives you compatibility and consistency in your workout. As different brands have different measuring standards, it’s best to purchase the complete packages that come with all the essential workout equipment such as power rack, dumbbell rack, Olympic bar, weight plates, cable setup, and different attachments. Before you plan to set up your home gym, you need to know what equipment is necessary. Here are four essential pieces of gym equipment that you must have in your home gym.


1. Training bench


A training bench is one of the crucial additions to your home gym. They allow you to lay on it for lifting weights and use them for support for numerous exercises like bench presses, shoulder presses, step-ups, decline pushups, dips, and many more. Many home gym packages include training benches as their standard addition.


The training bench should be adjustable to different angles so you can perform inclined, fat, and declined exercises with ease. The bench should be made from high-quality, durable material to withstand your weight and provide stability while lifting weights. The foam material should also be high quality to avoid slipping and offer a better grip.


2. Power rack


The power rack or weight rack is the centerpiece of your home gym. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced lifter, adding a power rack to your home gym will offer a lot of functionality in your workout. You can perform many workouts on the power rack, such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses, pullups, lat pulldowns, dips, etc.


Lifting heavy free weights can be dangerous, especially when you don’t have a spotter to spot you. In such cases, power racks offer a safe workout environment to perform your workout with safety and ease. Power racks can lift more than 1000 pounds and have different attachments for various exercises.


3. Resistance bands


Resistance bands are the most versatile yet often overlooked fitness equipment. A resistance band helps tone your muscles by targeting particular muscle groups through resistance training. When you use the resistance bands, it creates substantial pressure on your muscles and contracts them. The thickness of the band also plays a key role. The thicker band needs more resistance to stretch, which means your muscles get activated with higher resistance. Resistance bands come in different sizes, thicknesses, colors, and resistance capacities. Resistance bands are a must-have in your home gym, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete.


4. Foam floorings or mats


Weight plates are heavy, and they are made of metal. If you accidentally drop them on the floor, they can easily break the files and cause severe damage to your flooring. Therefore every home gym must have foam or rubber flooring to protect the floor. These floorings offer better grip as well. You don’t want to slip while squatting 200 pounds of weight on your shoulders.


Your home gym must have all the essentials to make your workout easier and more intense. You can also add other non-mandatory additions to your home gyms, such as motivational posters, downlights, and a music system to create that energizing ambiance of commercial gyms.