34th week of the Columbia Community Association gets underway

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All week long, there were workmen here and workmen there – workmen everywhere…  up on the roof, in the cellar… heavens, the CCA  was all go.  It doesn’t quite scan but you get the picture.

Liam the lovely electrician from JLA popped in to discuss the electrical work scheduled for the toilets, convector heaters, window extractors and water heaters with work to commence during the week. Great excitement at the CCA hub.

Cultural Creatives were at the CCA as usual with the morning session all about weaving, then after lunch all change and there appeared eventually an abundance of bunny rabbits. Aren’t this group amazing and talented? What’s more,  they make it look so easy.

At the team meeting with ACT  progress  was was discussed and the decorating schedule decided.  Lo and behold, decorating actually began during the week, in the Brady Square room.

Arthur the decorator

When all the decorating is finished, the memorabilia, donated by Alyson Chapman of Bells, will be able to be hung, (also the team’s surprise to their beloved community to which Frost Magazine is privy, but which is not to be revealed or the consequences will be dire: arghhh). Marion explained that the colour scheme the team have opted for is magnolia with the feature wall a fabulous emerald green.  Arthur, the decorator is doing a marvellous job, and is kept topped up with coffee, milk and two sugars

Shake your Boogey was cancelled sadly, wnen the snow came back in force.
Tickets for the Redcoat show continue to fly out, only four left. People coming and going, workmen buzzing around, singing and dancing groups, and always so much laughter and let’s not  forget lots of tea and coffee.

Forever Young Bingo Ladies came, of course, complete with home baked cakes , created by Linda and St Patricks day on Friday corresponded with the  weekly coffee morning and the drawing of the winning tickets for the ten food hampers. The Luck of the Irish for the winners. A great many tickets were sold, and Marion is ‘Sure that our contact Kam from the Polish centre will be overwhelmed when we hand over the cheque on MONDAY next week for the Ukrainian appeal. We need to count up but what we do know is that it went extremely well.’

Coffee morning as usual was a big hit, Red Shoes Bob did the prize bingo, making everyone laugh at his antics and all raffles prizes claimed.

Ah, one more thing: Marion was talking to Margaret Graham, of Frost Magazine, about ideas for ‘what would come’ after the CCA centre was up and running. Together they wondered if it would be a good idea to gather up people’s Brady Square memories and create a Brady Square Memoir Collection to be kept at the Centre. A collection to be added to by others coming up…

As Margaret considers Brady Square is part of her heritage she wondered if it would be a good idea to come up from Thirsk to the centre, to work with those interested. She could suggest ways to access these memories: perhaps some told to us by parents, relatives, friends, others which have been experienced by us:  from birth, school, and on, and on… Together they could all beaver away (well, perhaps toddle along) putting them together. Each one personal, each one centred on Brady Square. ‘Going back through time  is often fun, often thought provoking,’ said Margaret. ‘Do talk to Marion and we can work something out.’

So, Mother’s Day is here again. Frost Magazine and the Columbia Community Centre take huge pleasure in  wishing all us lovely mams a happy day!

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square