25 Things Every New Mom Should Know: Essential First Steps for Mothers

This little book is full of lots of great information. Being a first time mother is very scary and this book will definitely help. It is American, so some of the vernacular is more for that audience. Some of the advice will not suit all mothers too, like the stuff on baby-wearing and co-sleeping. I did this but it will not fit into everyone’s life. I do recommend this however. It is well-written and  very helpful indeed.

Becoming a new mother is a time of joy, hope, and sometimes a little uncertainty.

In this warm and heartfelt book, America’s most-trusted childcare experts help brand-new moms meet the challenges and changes of motherhood with reassuring advice on how to bring out the best in their babies, and themselves. Above all, they encourage new mothers to trust their own instincts and thoroughly enjoy their new babies.

25 Things Every New Mom Should Know: Essential First Steps for Mothers