30 Days of Gratitude Day 30 #30daysofgratitude

Today may be the last day of my 30 Days of Gratitude series, but it will certainly not be the last day I take account of what I am grateful for. In life the bad can outnumber the good, but joy will always conquer, as long as you leave yourself open to it. I thought about what I should be grateful for in my last column. There were numerous things: nature, a takeaway, going to a restaurant, the fact that I can make a living doing what I love (a HUGE one). The fact is that life is beautiful even in its ugly moments. In the tough times there are still those we love, surrounding and supporting us. Then there is just the fact that I am British. Britain is a wonderful country. I also live in London. I fell in love with London when I started to commute down for auditions. I have lived in London for almost ten years now. They have been the best years of my life. Positivity is important in life and negative thinking has a bad effect on your health. So every time you are having a bad day start your gratitude list. It helps, promise.


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Day 23.

Day 24.

Day 25.

Day 26.

Day 27.

Day 28.

Day 29.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day 29 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to put my feet up. Mostly because it rarely happens! Like most working parents I am always on the go. In fact I spent the entire Easter Weekend working. Pretty sucky. But I did get my novel away and get a lot done. But life is about more than career and ticking off your to do list. Life is about joy and happiness. My happiest times are always with my boys. So this week I will be finding the time to put my feet up and relax. If my workload and baby allow it, I will be grateful.

30 days of gratitude

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Day 19.

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Day 22.

Day 23.

Day 24.

Day 25.

Day 26.

Day 27.

Day 28.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day 28 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for art. While I don’t find a lot of time to do my own art much, I still find joy in others. I love art galleries and museums. Discovering new artists is also one of my favourite things. Below is some of my art which I did years ago. I am going to make sure that I start drawing more this year. The last picture is a drawing of my son and I by Holly Thomas. I love it and we have it framed and on display. It was a wonderful present from Holly.

art catherinebalavageartist cathernebalavageart



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Day 21.

Day 22.

Day 23.

Day 24.

Day 25.

Day 26.

Day 27.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day 27 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for less. I have been decluttering our apartment for a while now, and it is amazing how much clearer you feel when you are not surrounded by junk. I have not been just throwing things in the bin as I hate waste. Just putting things in a landfill rather than your home does no one any favours. What I have been doing instead is recycling, selling and giving to charity. I feel better, have some money in my pocket and have less distractions. Win win.

What are you grateful for today?

30 days of gratitude

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Day 21.

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Day 24.

Day 25.

Day 26.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day 26 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for social media. Social media is not perfect. It can stop us engaging with the real world and make our concentration worse. But as a self employed freelancer and a (relatively) new mum, I love it. For those who work from home, the internet is like our working office, those on Twitter and Facebook our work colleagues. It stops us feeling alone. We feel connected. Social media has become the social register of our times, a way of keeping up with friends and family. It has negatives but it also allows anyone to promote themselves and have their voice heard. While some of those people may be trolls, many others are good, decent people. I have met some of my friends on social media and my husband added me on Facebook the day we met, hurrying the dating process along. Social media has made the world more democratic, and for that we should all be grateful.

social media 30 days of gratitude

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Day 18.

Day 19.

Day 20.

Day 21.

Day 22.

Day 23.

Day 24.

Day 25.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day 25 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for the long weekend. Four days of family bliss. Happy Easter everyone.


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Day 19.

Day 20.

Day 21.

Day 22.

Day 23.

Day 24.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day 24 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for film. I love film and I have worked in the film industry. Going to the cinema is still one of my favourite things to do. So today I am grateful for film and all of the amazing people who make them. It’s a tough industry, but it’s worth it.

what-to-expect-when-youre-expecting film review Prose & Cons film day one. The_avengers assemble film review Flight Film Review Taken 3 Movie

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Day 22.

Day 23.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day 23 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for kindness. Not just kindness to each other, but kindness to ourselves. In the age of social media we can spend all of our time curating our life rather than living it. The pressure to be perfect can be overwhelming. I have been known to push myself too hard but work/life balance is important. Being kind to yourself is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. It is also a fact that positive people live longer and are healthier. So do something kind for yourself today. Whether that is having a bath, a biscuit or taking some time out to watch a movie, do it.

30 days of gratitude #30daysofgratitude

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Day 12.

Day 13.

Day 14.

Day 15.

Day 16.

Day 17.

Day 18.

Day 19.

Day 20.

Day 21.

Day 22.

What are you grateful for?