Is Meghain Trainer a Hypocrite When It Comes To Body Shaming & Loving Yourself?

Meghain Trainer, skinny women, body shaming, Meghain Trainer all about that bass song is body shaming skinny women, mean, rude,I am going to start this piece with a confession: I hate that ‘All About The Bass’ song. Okay it’s catchy and it has a good beat, but I hate the lyrics. And I am not the only one. Plenty of ‘stick-figure…Barbie doll’s‘ as Meghain puts it in her song also hate the lyrics. I have always found it ironic that she became famous for no photo-shopping and loving your body due to that song. She says it is wrong to body shame someone because of their size, but that entire song is rude to slim women. Yes, love yourself Meghain but don’t do it by dragging other women down and attacking their size. ‘Stick figure’ is offensive and so is implying that men need a little something to hold onto. Slim women have something for their men to hold onto. They are not made of air.


The real #metoo video is finally up! Missed that bass. Thank you everyone for the support 💙

A photo posted by Meghan Trainor (@meghan_trainor) on

Now Meghain is complaining that she was photo-shopped in her new music video. She then demanded that the un-edited version was released instead. Well good for her. Some say the entire thing is a publicity stunt. It may be, but I am a huge fan of more diversity when it comes to body shape. We do need more body shapes in the media. Not everyone is tall and skinny. But that doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with woman that are. Maybe Meghain should take note. In All About The Bass she wanted to ‘Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches’ and then said she was joking, but we all know that people sometimes pretend they are joking to soften what they are really saying. Let’s be more inclusive to every woman Meghain, not just the ones that look like you.