Entertainment for Lazy Weekends

It’s a cold, wet Friday night in winter. You’ve been fending off anxious clients and reassuring harassed colleagues all week. Like everyone else in the city, you’ve been getting up, and going home, in the dark.


You listen to the beautiful “clunk” of the front door closing as you step inside the house. You decide that, if possible, it’ll be the last time you hear that sound this weekend.


Home alone. Fantastic! It’s going to be a properly lazy weekend – but how are you going to keep yourself entertained?



What’s On Telly?


Fifteen years ago you’d have been circling things you wanted to watch in the Radio Times with a red biro. With broadband and Freeview, your options are almost limitless. You won’t get through every episode of Breaking Bad this weekend, but you could make a start. If it gets a bit grim (which – spoiler alert – it does) try interspersing it with episodes of Modern Family. Or Bagpuss.


No need to traipse down to the video store anymore either. How about a World War Z / This Is The End / Frances Ha marathon? World War Z was supposed to be terrible – it isn’t.





When all that drama gets too much for you (Bagpuss can be quite draining), there’s a huge number of online games to consider. They’re not going to play themselves, you know! Everything’s available, from MMORPG’s like the free-to-play Pandora Saga to online versions of the nations favourite game, Bingo. The hardest part will be deciding what to play.





At some point you may feel the need to step away from the screen. Maybe just swapping to a smaller one – like a Kindle – would do the trick? That Morrissey out of The Smiths has a book out, you know. We’ve also heard rumours of some kind of Bridget Jones follow-up. There may even be an actual book on the shelves to read!






Now we’re going retro. Is there a forlorn-looking pile of vinyl LP’s in the cupboard? A decent record player in the attic? If you’ve spent the last decade listening to MP3’s, and you have a reasonably good system, you might just amaze yourself with the upgrade in quality. There’s a reason people are still releasing vinyl records!


Eat, Play, Sleep


Once you’ve located the Billie Holiday LP, why not try cooking something you’ve never tried before out of that Rick Stein book that Auntie Beryl got you for Christmas? And when you’re done, you could hoist the dusty old guitar out of the basement and take a lesson on YouTube!


Or maybe it’s time for a nap. Whatever you decide to do on your Lazy Weekend, remember that catching up on sleep is never something to feel guilty about!




(Images courtesy of awsmblog.com, thesundaytimes.co.uk, wikipedia, wikipedia)