Young people in politics, Part 2; Writer Fran Singh on her love of Labour.

For the next article on young people in politics I interviewed talented and beautiful writer Fran Singh, 23. She has some great stuff to say.

1) Why did you get involved in politics and why Labour?

I got involved in the politics because of my parents. My dad is a nurse and has been in trade unions all his life and has been BME officer and treasurer for South Wales branch of Unison. My mum was a local politician (council and ran for AM in Welsh Assembly for Labour). The reason Labour was because it’s what I’ve always known, though there was a time when I was a teenager I shunned it entirely precisely because of that fact. As I grew up and began to form own opinions I realised Labour was where I naturally belonged even it wasn’t very rebellious. I just think being from South Wales, and growing up the way I did made me choose Labour. I think there is quite a big poor rich divide in Swansea, and a lot of snobbery about people who rely on benefits. We lived on a council estate in my teens and I soon came to realise not all these people were the dole scroungers you read about in the Mail and were victims of inequality. The Labour party in my view are the only party truly connected with the needs of working class people and have tackling inequality at the top of their agenda.

2) How do you think we get more young people involved in politics?

I really don’t know what can be done to engage more young people in politics. At the end of the day Westminster can be quite scandalous, but on the local politics and the day to day administrative running of national politics can be very dry and often boring. I think better representation in parliament would be the best start. Younger MP’s, black and ethnic minority candidates, more women and people from different backgrounds. Until people in parliament start looking a bit more like the general public and talking on the same level of the people they represent, people will switch off. I think young people will start to become more politically engaged now we are in a coalition come the cuts and rising unemployment which will directly start to impact on their lives.. They sort of woke up a bit at the last election.

3) What is the best thing about being political?

Everything is political. Everything you do, even most mundane things such as paying your gas bill has been shaped somehow from all that really boring stuff that goes on in parliament so I think it is really important people are political and take an interest. The best thing about it is the debate. It feels nice to have an informed opinion and be able to argue your point well. Everyone loves a good row in the pub with their Tory friend. If you know about politics you know a little bit about everything which makes you a good all rounder.

4) How do you feel about Ed Milliband as Labour leader?

I like Ed but I can’t say I was thrilled. In fact I think and I sat in shock shaking my head for about an hour until my colleague asked if I was alright. To me it felt like we were signing ourselves for longer out of power, but I really hope to be proved wrong. I am quite cynical and can’t get swept up in this new generation stuff. I don’t believe the media narrative that he is Red Ed, but you could see the label coming a mile off. Doesn’t matter if it is true or not if it can be used by the media and opposition it will be and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Last time the Tories were in power we had what was represented as a very left wing party and were out of power for ages. I think the people who voted him first choice (I voted DM) were wrapped up in idealism (which is by no means a bad thing, you need to have some optimism, core values and vision) but they neglected the reality. People in the Labour party are generally quite socialist and left wing, but they forget the country isn’t and you can’t make proper changes in opposition. Like the Red Ed tag David was branded a Blairite, everyone forgets Blair saw Labour be in power for three elections. A leader of the Labour party was always going to be left wing, they just need to not be an easy target and have cross party appeal and appeal to non Labour voters. The loyal labour voters are only a small part of the electorate.

5) Can you give me a good canvassing story?

Hmmm, haven’t been out canvassing in ages, slack at election as was during my finals. I went out during election with Emily Thornberry’s team in Islington and David Miliband came along. I knew then I wanted him to lead the Labour party, he was so charming and captivated the room when arrived, everyone just couldn’t stop looking at him. There was a big young crowd out for that too. Did have a rather embarrassing moment. My friend was filming me for a documentary she was making on young people and politics for the election. I was microphoned up and didn’t realise was recording and had my own Gordon Brown Gillian Duffy moment when I realised I’d been recorded for about 10 minutes talking about the then foreign secretary’s arse.

That’s so funny. Thank you Fran.

The Ed Miliband Wagon by Richard Wright {Politics}

So Labour has a new leader. Ed Miliband. Never mind that he’s 40 years old and he looks like he’s just a work experience party leader getting to try it out for a bit. He’s true Labour. “Red Ed” is how they opposition are choosing to tarnish him. Oh no, socialism in the labour party who would have though such a thing would happen again. Why it’ll be the end of middle Britain as we know it. But Mr Miliband has a tough balancing act to perform and a mighty job to perform. But he’s has the job 5 minutes I don’t need to make my mind up about him just yet do I? Cause I don’t really know that much about him. And there is a reason for that.

This wasn’t how it was meant to go. David Miliband was the Miliband that was meant to be leader, not Ed. But Ed played the game of politics well. With endorsements from Labour Party luminaries such as Neil Kinnock and Roy Hattersley, the younger Miliband was making sure of a traditional support base within the party, a support base that had been ignored by the two previous Labour Leaders and Prime Ministers of our country, trade union members. And what endorsements they are because if it’s one thing Neil Kinnock knows its winning elections. Well, sort of.

As for experience Bob a Job Ed, another age joke there. If not as good an age joke, can boast a record as cabinet minister. He was Secretary of State for Climate and Energy Change, Or Energy and Climate Change. Whichever one has to come before the horse on that particular front. He also spent time as Minster to the cabinet office and Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster. And if you think that job makes him sound like something out of Dickens then you’re not alone. He has spent time around such winners as Gordon Brown and former US Presidential Hopeful John Kerry. So clearly that’s where he picked up his charisma. Or at least realised the importance of it.

His speech to the Labour Party Conference, his first as Leader of the Labour Party, was impressive but if you can’t tell from the tone of this article I’m quite definitively hedging my bets. Because he says we are optimists in this country, and I honestly don’t think we are. I think we like to complain and I think we are ultimately quite pessimistic, and it was fears and pessimism that lead to the Government we have now rather then hope of change. I applaud optimism, I applaud a call for a grown up debate in this country and his comments on the War in Iraq are measured and, I feel, correct. Can Ed Miliband bring about a political atmosphere at Westminster that will lead to grown up debate? I very much doubt it, but we will see over the next 6 to 12 months if Ed Miliband can indeed create a Miliband Wagon and if he can I will be more then happy to jump on it.

Richard Wright