30 Days of Gratitude Day Thirteen #30daysofgratitude

Have you ever heard a baby get the giggles? If not then you haven’t lived. My son gets the giggles quite a lot. Occasionally he will even wake himself up giggling. It melts my heart. Sometimes we go to restaurants and my son will be laughing and the other diners will be looking around, wondering what the noise is. Most people have babies who cry in restaurants, our baby likes to laugh. So today I am grateful for my son’s laughter, and how happy it makes not only my husband and I, but other people. We don’t put identifying pictures of our son on social media, but here is one of him in his reindeer outfit crawling. I hope it gives you a moment of cute.


Catch up on other days:

Day 1.
Day 2.

Day 3.

Day 4.

Day 5.

Day 6.

Day 7.

Day 8.

Day 9.

Day 10,

Day 11.

Day 12.

What are you grateful for?