How To Delay The Menopause

how to delay the menopause, menopause, health, According to the NHS, the most common age for menopause to start is 51 – which is when we start to experience symptoms; aching joints, depression, lack of energy, lack of libido, weight gain, concentration problems, headaches and, most commonly, hot flushes and night sweats.

Although the onset of menopause is strongly influenced by our genes and ethnicity, the good news is that there are simple lifestyle changes you can make to delay it.

We asked Dr Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading Nutritionist, fertility and women’s health expert and an author of Natural Solutions to Menopause: How to stay healthy before, during and beyond the menopause, to give us her top tips on how to delay the menopause.

Choose low-fat dairy

Low-fat dairy is not only beneficial for a diet but it can also delay the menopause.
Cow’s milk may contain a number of metabolites — or enzymes formed possibly during the process to remove the fat — which boost the amount of oestrogen (female sex hormone) in a woman’s system, helping to keep her reproductive organs working for longer. “Try and stick with organic milk and cheeses and put the emphasis on eating more yogurt because of the beneficial bacteria.”

Stop using old pans

It’s not just what you eat that can delay the menopause but also what you use and how you cook your food.

It’s wise to choose your cookware carefully, especially as PFOAs (a synthetic chemical used to repel grease and water) appear to build up in the body over the years and has been identified as a hormone disruptor. We don’t yet know how big a factor these chemicals are, but they may have a cumulative effect over a woman’s lifetime. “Using the right kind of pots and pans to cook your food may be important because the actual surface of the pan that you are using can end up being absorbed into your food when heated to high temperatures.”
“Try to avoid any non-stick pans or utensils completely as it’s just not worth having the possibility of that toxic exposure. It’s just as easy to cook with stainless steel, cast iron or glass cookware.”

Eat more fish!

Don’t just save fish for Fridays, eat it through the week to keep menopause at bay. It’s thought that omega 3 oils in fish help the pituitary gland in the brain to stimulate a woman’s ovaries to keep producing eggs and can help with many of the symptoms. “The Omega 3 fatty acids should be added separately because they are not usually included in a multivitamin and mineral and if they are, the levels will not be high enough.” If you find it hard to include fish in your diet, try taking NHP’s completely natural Omega 3 Plus (available from, £27.77).You will also notice the difference in your skin and hair condition.

Use natural products

A key area of concern is phthalates, found in four out of five beauty products. Mostly found in foundation, face cream, lipstick and nail varnish, they can disrupt hormone balance.
“Think more carefully about the products you regularly put on your skin. As your skin is the most absorbent organ of the body, do you really need or want all these chemical entering your blood stream?

Check the ingredients list properly and, where possible, stick to natural, plant-based products.”

Stop using the clingfilm

Not only we use cling film on daily basis to keep our food fresh but these days much of our food comes wrapped in plastic.

This could have an effect on our hormones because these pliable plastics contain chemicals, which have been found to disrupt the reproductive and hormonal systems in animals and children.

“Although it’s not yet clear how this would affect the hormones of older women, some experts advise a ‘better safe than sorry’ approach — pointing to the rise in health problems such as breast cancer and other oestrogen-dependent conditions like fibroids or endometriosis, which are possibly linked to these chemicals.”

“Remember to never heat food in plastic — and if you must buy food wrapped in it, remove the packaging when you get home. Instead, store food in the fridge in a dish with a saucer covering it or use greaseproof paper.”

Expand your mind

“Help keep your mind sharp before reaching menopausal age. Daily crosswords, Suduko or even learning a new skill or fitness class will help keep the mind sharp and help increase concentration levels.” Or take a good supplement designed specifically for supporting brain and memory function, such as NHP’s New Brain and Memory Support (available from, £27.77). This includes Amino acid tyrosine, which increases attention and mental physical focus and B6, B12 and folic acid that support normal psychological function.

Reduce your family stress

A falling menopause age is not just due to workload, but also to women being caught up in the sandwich generation — caring for parents and children — and feeling they are being constantly bombarded physically and emotionally. For women over 40, there can be the pressure of everyday life coping with caring for elderly parents as well as children who are staying at home for longer. At this time of life, the hormones are constantly changing. This constant pressure can act as the last straw — and their periods stop and never come back.

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in fertility and women’s health. She is Former President of the Food and Health Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine and author of a number of internationally bestselling books including Natural Solutions to the Menopause, The Natural Health Bible for Womenand Fat Around the Middle: How to Lose That Bulge – For Good. Dr Glenville runs clinics in Harley Street, London Tunbridge Wells and Ireland If you are interested in a consultation, call Dr Glenville’s clinic on 01892 515905



Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day Three

So yesterday was hard. The latter part anyway. I was okay until lunch times when, as I wrote yesterday,  I felt nausea and fainty and had a cup of tea. That made me feel better for a while and then for the rest of the day and night I had the most awful headache. Like someone had attacked me with a knife. My concentration was low and I felt lethargic. Because I cannot drink tea without sugar – frankly, I think it is one of the worst tastes in the world – I also have had minimal caffeine. This morning when I woke up I was so weak and dizzy I found it hard to get out of bed.

I felt optimistic until I went to the supermarket. Then just how much I was missing out on hit me. It was very hard and made my life seem less fun. What is wrong with biscuits and chocolate anyway? Later I watch a TV show and the characters are having a burger and coke. I realise it will be September until I can have a burger and coke again. I feel deprived. Which is silly in a world where a large portion of the population don’t have enough food or water.

Yet somehow in all of my silly sadness and yearning for another cup of tea comes a resolve: I will do this. At the moment my body is not liking it and neither am I, but I will do it. The jaffa cakes are still in the fridge, I have switched to camomile and spearmint tea and I have had a few pieces of fruit. On week one of the Mentor Me Off Sugar Programme you are allowed fruit but not on week two and three.

I have a delicious sea bass for supper and buy good wholemeal bread and cheese. I have the bread with some amazing olive oil I have been sent to review and realise there are other things in this world apart from sweet treats. Although if I just replace sugar with bread and cheese I will be fat in no time I do enjoy the treat.

Instead of deprivation I start to think about opportunity. The opportunity to rewire my body to a healthier me and the opportunity to eat new, different food. Even with my headache and my tiredness, I am excited and aware of all of the possibilities. Onwards.

Man-flu: fact or fiction? The Real Truth.

by registered dietician Nigel Denby

Medical Tests say that very high does of Vitamin C are best avoided as they can cause stomach upsets and kidney stones.

Is there really a strain of flu to which men are more vulnerable? Or, is ‘man-flu’ simply about blokes being less able to tolerate the symptoms of the common cold?

It’s long been a subject of debate, but partners of man-flu sufferers will doubtless be familiar with the inability to cope and function when the dreaded lurgy strikes.

The scientific community is as unsure about the validity of man-flu as the rest of us. In 2009, a study claimed to prove beyond doubt that man-flu was a real phenomenon. However, after closer analysis, it was criticised as being irrelevant because the researchers were looking at mice not humans, and bacterial infections rather than the viral infections which cause flu.

Other researchers from Cambridge University suggested in 2010 that flu symptoms could be more common and virulent in men than women because of a reduced male immune system. This theory was backed up by another study from the University of Queensland which in 2011 reported that in order to ensure the survival of the species, women’s immune systems were more robust than men’s, making men more susceptible to flu. However, despite these theories, according to the Office for National Statistics, women take twice as many sick days than men. So, the jury is clearly still out.

With winter fast approaching, man-flu, or indeed any other type, is on the horizon. So what can you do to prevent it or speed up recovery if you’re unlucky enough to be struck down?

COLDS versus
Comes on gradually
Sneezing, blocked up nose
Mild temperature changes
Lasts up to a week
3-4 day recovery period
Does not lead to serious complications

Strikes suddenly
Impossible to get out of bed
Fevers, chills, aching muscles, fatigue, headaches, sore throat
Can last for up to 10 days
2-3 week recovery period
Can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia

The power of the immune system Flu and colds are caused by viruses. This means antibiotics are ineffective when it comes to treating them. A strong immune system is the cornerstone of warding off viral infections and the best ways to keep this in tip top condition are:
Feed it the nutrients it needs

Support the immune system year round with probiotics like Actimel, targeting the body’s natural defences

Limit undue strain on the immune system from stress, late nights, smoking, excessive alcohol and poor hygiene

Garlic contains allicin which is believed to boost immunity

Omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish and flax seeds helps cells in the respiratory system fight infection

Vitamin A is found in yellow and orange vegetables like sweet potatoes, peppers and carrots
Lean meats and particularly offal like liver or kidneys contain nucleotides needed for the repair of cells and for the production of immune cells

Zinc found in shell fish and whole grain cereals is needed for a robust immune system

Your digestive system plays a vital role in your body’s natural defences. Up to 70% of your immune system is thought to be controlled by the gut and the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut is an important factor for immunity

A daily probiotic, designed to support your body’s natural defences is an easy, effective way to stay in tip top condition throughout the winter

Poor personal hygiene means your immune system is bombarded with harmful germs, bacteria and viruses, and less able to fight off cold and flu viruses when they come along

Hand washing is one of the most effective ways to reduce the number of attacks on your immune system, especially after using the bathroom, coughing, sneezing and before and after preparing food

Speeding up recovery

No matter how well you look after your immune system, you’re
likely to pick up a cold or flu. Here are some tips for getting rid of
a cold sooner:

Garlic is a proven antibacterial and decongestant, add
garlic to soups, pasta sauces and casseroles

Thyme and eucalyptus oils may help to clear congestion,
add drops to boiling water and inhale

Ginger and chilies are stimulating spices which can act as

Echinacea is thought to stimulate the immune system

Zinc lozenges may also help to halt a cold, possibly by
destroying the virus

Photo by Sarihuella