Five Steps to Losing Weight and Debt in the New Year.

MMI offers practical advice for losing weight and debt in the New Year.

Every New Year, shedding weight and debt is at the top of the list for millions of people resolving to change for the better. According to a recent Times Report, these two are also among the most often broken resolutions.

While experts have offered numerous techniques and strategies for losing weight and paying down debt, the fundamental lifestyle change remains consistent for both – consume less.  Financial stability begins with spending less than you make, followed by paying more on what you owe.  Losing weight begins with consuming fewer calories, and becoming more active.

If you are among the millions vowing to finally achieve a healthy waistline and a healthy bottom-line, consider the following five steps:

  1. Make the commitment.  When considering any lifestyle adjustment, the first step is to decide – are you ready to make the commitment to do what it takes to improve your health and financial wellbeing?  Are you ready to accept responsibility for changing your situation?  Do you believe that you can and will change the way you make decisions about food and money? It isn’t until you can truthfully answer yes to these questions that you will be ready to face the challenges of creating a healthier physical and fiscal life.
  2. Create a plan.  Creating a budget and a meal plan starts with tracking – tracking expenses and tracking calories.  Consider carrying a pocket notebook for noting every penny spent and calorie consumed.  Review your results and look for areas where you should and can make cut backs.
  3. Develop SMART goals .  One of the most important pieces to being successful in these areas is to set clear goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, rewarding and trackable.  Remember to create short-term, or milestone, goals as well as a target accomplishment.  If your ultimate goal is to become debt free, celebrate when you pay off 25 percent.  The same goes with weight lost. If you aspire to lose 50lbs., acknowledge every 5 to 10lbs. as an accomplishment.
  4. Eliminate temptations.  Once you have a clear calorie and spending budget outlined, remove any obstacles that may hinder your success.  Don’t carry your credit cards in your wallet and don’t keep high calorie sweets in the house.  Leave your cards at home in a safe place and only take them out when you have a planned purchase and payoff strategy.  The same applied with food temptations.  If you know you’re going to be in an environment where you’ll be tempted to indulge, eat a light snack before you leave the house.
  5. Stay flexible. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see the pounds or debt melting away as quickly as you had hoped.  Change doesn’t happen overnight, and there are no quick fixes. The important thing is to remain flexible and committed. If you aren’t meeting your goals, revisit and adjust your plans as often as necessary.

Remember, you are human and set-backs are inevitable.  However, if you are truly committed to doing what it takes to meet your goals, you can accomplish anything.  To learn more about staying committed to your New Year’s resolutions, visit and down New Beginnings , one of MMI’s free eBooks.

Londoners Life 19 – By Phil Ryan

Londoners Life 19 – By Phil Ryan

Well a big hello after my absence. Had to finish off two novels and some other projects. But I’m back in time for my New Year review. London has had a busy old time in many ways. We’ve watched the giant money hole of the Olympics steal more and more of our money, we’ve had a bit of rioting, a bit of demonstrating and a bit of a recession. And how’s it left us Londoners? Well certainly the gap between rich and poor continues apace – some areas in London now resembling scenes from the aftermath of an apocalyptic plague movie whilst other tangibly smell of cash and cashmere. This gap can also be measured in ever sky rocketing house prices. Whilst everyday living costs creep ever higher. So for my review of 2011 here’s a quick list of a few London change indicators.
• Starters in restaurants now seem to cost as much as a main course
• More restaurants have replaced their chairs with those highly comfortable solid wooden thin benches from a Victorian prison
• A trip to the cinema for two is coming in at close to £25.00 and popcorn has broken the £5.00 ceiling
• There’s a new demonstration every day in Town not to mention various permanent demonstrations at tourist sights
• The Oyster card now only offers minor convenience in getting in and out of stations but cleverly hides the ever spiraling travel costs (until you have to top up)
• Parking in London is now only affordable by the wealthy or the desperate
• London Councils have finally abandoned all pretense of caring about their residents.
• Shops have sales every other week
• Sushi restaurants are taking over
So goodbye to 2011 with your momentous world events that touched London but didn’t fundamentally alter it in any way. For keen power player watchers we’ve had scandals and phone hacking saga’s that apart from the closure of the News of the World don’t seem to have changed the main players. Our Bankers carry on as normal apart from those lower down the food chain losing their jobs. So from a Londoners perspective what’s 2012 going to be like? Well it’s going to be more expensive across the board from transport to accommodation. The Olympic gravy train will roll in and out inconveniencing us all (of course TFL will run a fantastic tube service with an extra 6 million people on board) And there’ll probably be another uplifting parade to celebrate the royal baby that will undoubtedly appear in time for the Queens Jubilee celebrations. Closer to home still Hammersmith Bridge will be finally replaced by Lego as that seems more robust than the one they spent millions of our taxes on ‘repairing’. The Mayoral election will shock us all when a surprise last minute candidate bags the top job. Said candidate being that bloke off my big fat gypsy wedding. And London Councils will begin plans to cull the poor.

Looking back I’m left with some of my favourite moments from what I can only describe as ‘spokespeople’. TV and Radio reporters grabbing that all important human interest moment out on the street. So from ‘Rioters in Tottenham’ we had (from young guy number 1 with a hoodie and face mask carrying a large plasma TV) “It’s all about Iraq” (from young man number 2 with a hoodie and face mask number) “It’s about anger. We’re angry about being angry”. From a ‘St Pauls Cathedral Camp protester’ (who looked slightly the worse for wear) “I came to support these people and whatever it is they’re protesting about – it’s brilliant whatever it is and they gave me a tent a spliff and some soup I mean how great is that?” From a Christmas shoppers laden with about ten bags “Yes we’re cutting right back this year” and from some religious loon with a beard “Threatening death for us is an argument it’s not unreasonable”. So Happy 2012 to us all and whether its Ken or Boris as Mayor, whether we win gold medals or flog the Olympic venues for a tenner to a friend of Lord Coe’s as Londoner’s we just won’t care – It’s a London thing.

Staying Safe this Christmas and New Year – Top Tips!

Staying Safe this Christmas and New Year – Top Tips

As a key Youth Leader when it comes to gangs and breaking the cycle of criminal behaviour one of the key things I get asked by people of all ages is ‘How do I avoid becoming a victim?’

It is really tough question isn’t it? I mean, if the headlines are to be believed you are almost twice as likely to become a victim as you were this time last year. Although we are living in tough times Christmas means that people are out and about doing Christmassy things; enjoying themselves, getting merry and having a host of parties and clubs to go to. In the midst of this hustle and bustle some are ever more desperate to steal, rob or take advantage.

I for one know someone who had their card cloned only a few weeks ago and the upheaval it can cause is immense. So these words of advice I am about to offer come not a moment too soon.

  1. Taxi Cabs – this is number one on my list as I am still in awe of how many people don’t know this despite the horror stories and despite the ad campaigns.  If you are going to be drinking pre-arrange how you will be getting back home. Black cabs can be hailed off the street but under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone get into an unlicensed taxi/and or minicab off the street. It is illegal for minicabs to tout for business. Minicabs must be pre-booked. Listen if you get into an unlicensed cab then essentially it is just a stranger’s car and there is no telling what will happen so please – don’t do it!
  1. Drinking – do your best to drink less alcohol and drink more water during your night out. A top tip is to have one drink of water for every two glasses of alcohol. Do your best to stick to the same drink, try and not mix your drinks and always make sure you have your drink with you. Yes girls – take it with you if you are going for a pee. If you leave your drinks unattended then DO NOT drink it. This is one of the ways drug rape can happen. A long time ago I was a First Aider in clubs – spiking as it is called (when someone puts drugs in your drink) was a big issue for us back then – my friends who are still in that field have said on good authority that it is still a big issue now.
  1. Drugs – Lets get it straight – taking drugs is illegal. However if you do then do not buy drugs from someone you have just met. Most of the time drug dealers at clubs / bars are selling to the masses and are not selling you what you think you may be buying. They can easily combine it with chemicals that will be very harmful to you and your body, and you could have a very bad reaction to it. I suppose the final point I want to make is that if you do decide to take do the stupidest thing and take drugs then you should never be left on your own until everyone has recovered. There are reactions and delayed reactions and both could potentially be fatal.
  1. Being sensible – This is one of those tips that sound easy on the ear but can be difficult to put into practice. Firstly be sensible in your approach. If you are talking to a stranger for the first time then do not give him personal details about yourself like where you live. Do not make yourself vulnerable. Secondly never leave your valuables such as your purse or phone with them while you run to the loo or leave your bag or valuables on the table or at some distance from you. Your phone should be locked with a pin that only you know and you also should be sensible with your social network – that is, it and your personal details should be set to private. A new trend is for guys to butter up women with soft words etc but there are lots of instances where once the woman has gone they are gone except they have gone with cash, plastic and I-phone tablets.
  1. Confidence is crucial – Being confident and assertive can assist you from staying out of danger. This is reflected in your body language and demeanor. Keep your head up and use eye contact. Becoming drunk and very loud can sometimes draw the wrong people towards you. Essentially most predators know that the less aware and less able a person is, the more easy they are to take advantage of and the more likely they are not to defend themselves properly.
  1. Fight or flight – If a fight breaks out / and or other trouble then remove yourself very quickly from the venue and call the police for help. This is crucially a tip mainly for the guys out there but as it seems to be a paradox akin to finding the ‘god atom’ it is there for everyone. Here’s the problem – good friends, both male and female want to protect the ‘ones they love’ from ‘bad’ people. The problem is that ‘bad’ people can be everyone especially once a fair bit of alcohol has been drunk. You’ll be surprised at the amount of arguments and fisticuffs that can flare up over mere ‘looks’ ‘knocks’ on the dance floor and people being rude. Ask either party to just walk away and you’d have more luck trying to explain the euro crisis. Yet you have your mobile phone in your pocket so rather than choosing to join in on the rugby tackle why not just use it and get help. Trust me; you’ll thank me in the morning.
  1. Cold and hard can only be cash – Try not to carry large sums of money, credit cards and other valuables with you. I am going to say it again but DO NOT leave your bag unattended. Just bring what you need for the night. A top tip is to put some money safely on you away from the money you will be spending on your night out. So if unfortunately if you are a victim of crime and your money / cards are stolen you have some money to get home with.
  1. Keep your eye on the prize – When paying for anything by credit / debit card make sure the machine is brought to you and you see what is being done. If anyone ever takes your card away / and or behind a bar they may be cloning your card. A big tip is to keep all of the receipts from the night, perhaps in your purse and then the following day check back with the money that has been deducted. If you need to you can query with the bank if any amounts seem unjustified.
  1. Mobile phones – Do not talk on your mobile phone when you get off London Transport and think this is going to save you from being attacked, it just makes you more vulnerable as you cannot see and / or hear what’s going on around you. What’s more people can see what mobile phone you have and that could make you a target too.
  1. Keep in touch – Number ten is my greatest gem. Be with at least one person you trust and make contact with them when you get home, so they know you are in safe. If you out and meet members of the opposite sex and are having a good time, why not stay together until you are in a cab (a licensed one obviously) where you can cab share until you part company.
  1. Be aware – please be aware of the people around you. Not being aware has consequences. This is especially true at cash-points but even places like at the bar or till can be crucial for someone looking to glance at your pin or hear the code word for your tab. I have seen many offenders hear ‘Table 12’ shouted across a noisy bar and then casually saunter over and order drinks for themselves and their mates moments later claiming to be from the same table. Equally a friend of mine had her phone stolen when someone came round with a collection box for a ‘charity’ and took her phone from the table whilst she took out some money from her purse. Be aware
  1. Never blame yourself – my final tip is the same as last year. Just remember even Justin Bieber has been a victim of a crime at one point – probably. Some people just do bad things – it’s as simple as that. The main thing is that they are counting on your silence so they can do it again. So talk to someone you can trust and report it. Most importantly though never blame yourself.

So ends my tips on staying safe over Christmas and New Year – I am not aiming to make anyone nervous or afraid as there are bundles of fun to be had lets just keep it safe and sensible. If you have any questions, comments or even tips of your own please post them. Here’s to an exciting and prosperous New Year!