Salma Hayek Stars In Everly | Film Trailer

Salma Hayek Stars In  Everly Film Trailer

The amazing Salma Hayek stars in highly anticipated action movie Everly, directed by Joe Lynch. The film is an action/thriller centred on a woman who faces down assassins sent by her ex, a mob boss, while holed up in her apartment.

Everly is set to be released on the 10th of April in the UK.

Puss in Boots IMAX 3D Review

I have to be honest, I may be going into this review with a slight bias because I love Puss in Boots. Especially when he does that thing with his eyes.

I wouldn’t normal go to the cinema to see a cartoon, but I also saw Tintin in 3D earlier this year and that was brilliant, so off to Kingston I went.

This film is the prequel to the Shrek franchise. It is Puss in Boots story up until he meets Shrek. The film is good, the storyline is great. Fantastic for kids but grown up enough to keep the adults happy too. Antonio Banderas is good as Puss and Salma Hayek is perfect as Kitty SoftPaws. The story has a lot of fairytale characters in it so you feel like you already know the characters in the film. It’s a good cast and Zach Galifianakis is wonderful as Humpty Dumpty and has one of the best lines in the film: “Do you know what happens to eggs in jail? Well … it ain’t over easy!

Seeing the film at the IMAX and in 3D makes it more of an experience than just going to see a film. Things jump out at you and the visuals and sound are amazing.

I recommend this film no matter what your age. My only complaint is that, as I wear glasses to the cinema, wearing two pairs when you count the 3D pair hurt my nose!