Frost Writer Helen Takes The Stoptober Challenge

As challenges go, stopping smoking is a pretty huge one. Not only is smoking addictive but it eases stress for those who do it. But the benefits of giving up are vast: smoking is terrible for your health and takes years off your life, giving up is one of the best things you can do for your health, it saves money: cigarettes are now over £9 per pack and it stops your clothes smelling bad. Smoking even makes the walls in your house yellow so giving up would be life-changing.

fitness-get healthy

I want to give up to improve my health and save money. I will be stopping by keeping my hands busy, distracting myself, thinking of the reasons why I will be quitting. I also knit and that really helps by keeping both my mind and my hands busy. I also have an occasional snack. I also think about all of the things I could buy with the money I will save. I am finding a lot of help from Boots, who can help you with their Smoke Less Plan and their NikAssist range is great too. 


This is no easy challenge however, I have been smoking for decades and have given up a few times. I think Stoptober is amazing. A sense of community always helps when trying something. Smoking is a huge burden on the NHS, never mind the personal damage to health and finances. Most people love a challenge and this 28-day national stop smoking challenge is a brilliant one. I will be taking part in a Twitter Party with Beautyandthedirt and Sexinlondoncity. I hope you can join in too. This is happening between 1-2pm on October 16th. We can all do this together.


This is just my first post and I will update you with how I get on later in the month. I have been set a number of challenges and challenge number one is preparation. So I am preparing myself with the top tips from Boots UK Stop Smoking.


Boots UK pharmacist Angela Chalmers knows that the key to any form of success is often preparation and has prepared these top tips to help you embark on the first week of your smoke free journey. I have found them really helpful. If you want to ask Angela a question you can do so via our comments section.


Tip 1: Quit your own way 

When you begin your smoke free journey, it is important that you know your smoking habits and chose a time to quit that is right for you. Many people find that starting their quit journey on a Wednesday is easier than starting on a Monday. Luckily the first day of Stoptober falls on a Wednesday this year!


If quitting on the first day of Stoptober is not right for you, then choose a time or day in the first week that best suits your lifestyle. If you tend to be a social smoker, then choose a time to quit that doesn’t clash with a social gathering – for example quitting a day before your best friend’s big birthday or a close family celebration might not be the best time for you! Remember that Boots pharmacists are available to provide advice and support at any time and stage of your smoke free journey.



Tip 2: Know your smoking triggers 

Breaking a smoking habit is difficult as it’s often a part of your daily routine and something you may tend to do without even thinking about it. However, more often than not there are factors that can trigger these habits or make you want to smoke. For some people it goes hand in hand with a night out, for others it may be part of their morning coffee routine. It is important to know what your triggers are so you can put a strong plan of action in place to help you avoid them while you are on your smoke free journey.


Replacing your triggers with a different healthy habit can also help. For example, if you usually smoke after meals then maybe think about replacing that cigarette with a brisk walk to the end of your road or drinking a glass of water.


Many people worry about weight gain as they often confuse their cravings for hunger and increase their food and snack intake. If you’re worried about weight gain talk to a stop smoking advisor who can give you tips on eating right and exercising so that weight gain is minimal. Things that could help:


  • Drink an extra glass of water after meals to keep you feeling full
  • Snack on as many fruits and veggies as you want – something crunchy like baby carrots or an apple, can sometimes be very satisfying
  • Keep your hands busy with something besides food!



Tip 3: Swap smoking for a new hobby  

It is normal to get a little irritable when you quit smoking. Why not distract yourself by taking up a new hobby such as learning a new language, trying a new recipe or playing sport? By keeping yourself busy you are more likely to reach your smoke free goal as well as learning something new. Or you could simply get round to doing something you’ve been meaning to do for a while – clearing out your wardrobe, putting up a new shelf, even cleaning the windows?! Creating a list of all the things you want to do and then ticking something off that list (even the smallest thing) can you give you a great sense of achievement!


It’s also important to think positively (it’s easier said than done, we know!). However, rather than seeing quitting smoking as giving up something you love, taking up a new hobby or activity can help you to associate it with a new fresh start and a much more positive way of thinking that will help you to stay motivated.



Tip 4: Don’t give up giving up 

Many smokers try on more than one occasion to give up cigarettes. If you have a smoking relapse, try not to be disheartened. Instead, examine what caused you to smoke again, so that you can look out for the signs and find a way to overcome this on your next attempt. Remember that giving up smoking is not easy and celebrate each day that you remain smoke free. Sometimes a visual tracker can help. Why not buy a wall planner or calendar on which you can cross off each smoke free day so you can see how well you are doing and increase your confidence in yourself?



Tip 5: Reward yourself

Don’t be too hard on yourself! Giving up smoking is a huge challenge and each day that you stay smoke free is an achievement – something many people strive to achieve. In fact, 61% of smokers say quitting smoking is one of their lifetime’s ambitions so make sure your celebrate, perhaps by setting yourself small targets and treating yourself when you reach them.


Remember – one of the best benefits of stopping smoking (aside of course from the health improvements) is all of the money you will save! Use this to reward yourself with a treat or something fun. This could be a pampering new make-over to show of how great you look now that you are smoke free, a new wardrobe or even a weekend trip away.



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