The Best & Worst Date Movies

Best & Worst Date MoviesOne third of the nation has admitted to having their first kiss with a new partner in front of a TV, during date night. Love Actually has been voted the nation’s favourite date night movie with 62 per cent agreeing that the classic British film is a winner to get partners in the romantic mood.

The lifestyle study of 2,000 daters, commissioned by TalkTalk TV, found that women wait until the 5th date to suggest a night in front of the TV with men being a little keener and offering it as a 3rd date activity. 1 in 6 people also admitted to feeling awkward and embarrassed if their partner suggests TV with lots of sex scenes or steamy romance.

Comedy was highlighted as being the winning genre with 2/3 of people agreeing a romantic comedy will lead to a successful date but unsurprisingly horror was voted the worst with 55% of people predicting The Exorcist would result in a disastrous date. Careful selection is critical with 1 in 10 people said that a lousy choice of film would be just cause to break up and over 20% of couples asked had argued over their partner’s TV choices.

The research also found that 15% of people have put on a specific film or genre to get a reaction from their partner e.g. rom coms are seen by 2/3 as a sure fire way to get partners feeling romantic.


Top 10 best films for a date Top 10 worst films for a date
1.    Love Actually 1. The Exorcist
2.    Notting Hill 2. Schindlers List
3.    Dirty Dancing 3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
4.    Pretty Woman 4. Nightmare on Elm Street
5.    Bridget Jones’ Diary 5. Star Wars triology
6.    Titanic 6. The Terminator
7.    Forest Gump 7. Die Hard
8.    When Harry Met Sally 8. Spice World
9.    Groundhog Day 9. Basic Instinct
10.  There’s something about Mary 10. American Pie


Foreign language films and documentaries were also voted as least likely to incite passion on date night.