Asda Launch New Little Angels Festive Nappies & Vapour Bath | Review

Asda Launch New Little Angels Festive NappiesAsda’s Little Angelreview

Asda’s Little Angels have launched some brand new ‘Supreme Protection’ festive nappies and they are gorgeous. They have a cute, fun, Elf design. Letting your baby join in the Christmas fun.

They also have a new Vapour Bath product which is perfect for helping to soothe those winter colds. It features a special no tears formula with a comforting menthol aroma and has had rave reviews. We tried both and loved them. The nappies are fun and the vapour bath helps clear up baby’s cold.

These gorgeous festive nappies cost £4 and are available from and in store now. The Vapour Bath is only £1.


Vapour Bath.littleangeasdaVapour Bath