Steripod Review: Why You Should Protect Your Toothbrush & Put The Seat Down When You Flush

steripod-review-keep-your-toothbrush-cleanIt is the season for colds and flu. Viruses are rife in the winter. These can be passed on via infected droplets lurking in the air or on shared objects and surfaces.  A major culprit for contamination is our toothbrushes so what can we do to guard them against germs? According to a recent study at the University of Manchester, there are more than 10 million bacteria on your toothbrush right now. That means there are considerably more bacteria on your toothbrush than your average toilet seat – which has 50 bacteria per square inch, or average public lavatory floor – which has 2 million bacteria per square inch.

Most people don’t realise that every time you flush the loo, an aerosol spray of tainted water is released with droplets able to land as far away as 10 feet. Researchers from the University of Alabama found that brushes stored in the bathroom – in other words all of them – are contaminated with faecal matter lingering in the bristles. Toothbrushes aren’t particular about whose faecal matter it is, so it’s likely it won’t just be your own that is going into your mouth every time you clean your teeth. (I expect you will never flush the toilet with the lid up again!).

It is likely your toothbrush will be exposed to numerous invisible contaminants in the months that you use it, including a high proportion of pathogenic nasties such as E.coli and Staphylococci. Airborne bacteria are not the only pollutants which sully your toothbrush.  Germs and bacteria can pass from surface to surface, spreading the likes of oral herpes (cold sores), candida (oral thrush) and the HPV virus.

Protect it

Fortunately, you can safeguard your toothbrush with a Steripod toothbrush protector which clips on to any manual or electric toothbrush, creating a protective ‘pod’ (rather like a crash helmet) which surrounds the brush head and shields it from both airborne and cross contamination.  Steripod is designed to safeguard a toothbrush, protecting it against environmental contamination, the use of thymol encapsulated in plastic dotted with tiny holes releases vapours providing a fresh environment in which to keep your toothbrush.

Steripod has been specially designed so that air can circulate freely which means your toothbrush can dry naturally – contaminants require a moist atmosphere to multiply most effectively, so the drier your brush, the lower the risk of bad bugs on your bristles.  It does not require batteries or cables, meaning that it’s easy to protect your brush.

Here are dentist Mervin Druin’s top tips to ensure your brush remains as hygienic as possible.

  1. Don’t flush where you brush 

If you store your toothbrush near your toilet make sure you close the lid when you flush to minimise the dispersal of contaminated water droplets.

  1. Rinse thoroughly after use

Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly under running water after use, making sure that all toothpaste has been removed. Shake off as much excess water as possible.

  1. Store it upright

Store your brush in an upright position – never in a bathroom cabinet where air cannot circulate as this could promote bacterial growth.

  1. Replace your toothbrush regularly

Make sure to replace your toothbrush and Steripod every 3 months – buy them at the same time. If like many of us you need a reminder can send you a gentle email nudge every 80 days to remind you that your pod and your brush need an update!

And if you’ve been suffering with a cold or flu it’s a good idea to replace your toothbrush rather than risk reinfecting yourself.

  1. Don’t share it

Never be tempted to share a toothbrush, even with your loved one. And avoid contact with other toothbrushes that may be stored in the same vicinity.

Get your pod on   

Steripod comes in a wide range of colours so you can identify your brush from other bathroom sharers. A pack of two gives six months protection and costs £4.99 from larger Boots stores,,, Superdrug, ASDA, Boyes Stores and selected independent pharmacies.   For more information visit

It is almost Christmas and this great little gadget would make a perfect stocking filler. The smell was a bit strong when we first opened it, but it subsided. It is a great idea and it really works. In fact, tt is such a great idea we are not sure how no one thought of it before.


How To Treat A Cold

Aaachoo! Most of us will have a cold this winter, but do you know how to treat it?

NHS Choices reveals some of the myths around treating a cold and offers advice on how to
get well quickly

According to NHS Choices, on average an adult can expect to catch a cold between two and four times a year, with more people suffering during the winter months. But do you know how best to treat a cold?

Myths about cures for the common cold:
· Vitamin C – according to NHS Choices, one in three people believe that Vitamin C can help cure a cold. In fact, research has shown that Vitamin C doesn’t prevent or cure a cold.
· Echinacea – many think that Echinacea can be used to prevent a cold or treat one, but research has shown that there is no proof of this being the case.
· Over the counter medicines for colds – over the counter medicines do not cure a cold. The usual ingredients are painkillers and decongestants, which only help manage the symptoms.

In reality, the best thing you can do if you do get a cold this winter is to rest, eat well, avoid stress and keep hydrated. As most colds are caused by viruses, you don’t need antibiotics to help treat it.

Dr. Knut Schroeder, GP, says: “Many people will catch a cold this year – but there really isn’t any miracle cure out there. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you to stay healthy. But, if you are to catch a cold then my advice is to try and stay warm, drink plenty of fluids and to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. All this can help your body naturally fight the cold virus.”

For more information on surviving colds this winter visit,