Sloth Sanctuary {Misc-uity}

Sloths are the only animals (apart from dolphins) that always have a smile on their faces. This cute video was filmed at Aviaros del Caribe; a sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica: the world’s only sloth orphanage. “Baby two- and three-toed sloths, whose mother’s have either been run over or zapped by power lines are brought to the sanctuary and looked after by Judy Arroyo.”

Watch the video, my favourite part is about 17 seconds in. So cute!

For more sloth photos and videos, visit amphibian avenger’s blog, or follow her on twitter. For more on the sanctuary go to

Man Babies {Misc-uity}

Do you need distracting? Or you might have too much time on your hands that needs filling…

Well here’s a little treat for those of you who’ve ever wondered what new fathers do on paternity leave. Click on the site to see plent more.

Time-Lapse video of Eyjafjallajökull's plume {Misc-uity}

An incredible video by Sean Stiegemeier shot on a Canon 5D mkII. Describing his video he says “So I saw all of these mediocre pictures of that volcano in Iceland nobody can pronounce the name of, so I figured I should go and do better.”

Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull – May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.

Ugly Cute Beastie {Misc-uity}

This possibly-a-dog was spotted in Vietnam and given the nickname The Muppet of Long Son Pagoda. Any excuse for a cute doggy pic!

New York City Timelapse Tilt-Shift Video {Misc-uity}

Tilt-shift photography is a style of photography in which the camera is manipulated so that a life-sized location or subject looks like a miniature-scale model. This video ‘The Sandpit’ made by Sam O’Hare is a combination of tilt-shift photography and timelapse. It’s made up of thousands of still photographs, he captures NYC and shrinks it to the size of a model village.

The Sandpit from Sam O’Hare on Vimeo.

To achieve this miniature effect to your photographs, it’s best to shoot subjects from a high angle (especially from the air). It creates the illusion of looking down at a miniature model. A camera equipped with a tilt-shift lens, which simulates a shallow depth of field, is essentially all you need to start. Or you could cheat and do it in post.

Futuristic Fashion from the 1930's {Misc-uity}

We’ve all thought about what people will be wearing in the future. Admit it. You have really. It’s something high school textile students do by default, it’s human nature. So it’s no suprise to discover that people in the 1930’s did exactly the same thing and luckily this clip from ITN shows some of their thoughts.

Marc Jacobs

‘Silly’ could describe some of the outfits but they’re more likely to be described as ‘Scarily Accurate’. Their predictions include mesh dresses, upside down heels, zippered skirts and men would carry radios and phones and might not ever get married!
It’s safe to say that those trend forecasters were ‘ahead of their time’. See what I did there? Nevermind, watch the video.

“Oooh, swish”

Dangerously Cute {Misc-uity}

Flicker featured photographer floridapfe who works at a zoo in South Korea. He has the opportunity to photograph all sorts of cute little baby animals which you can see more of by doing a tag search for baby on his photostream.

trapped sweeties {Misc-uity}

Somedays I feel like this.

I don’t know who the artist is so can’t credit them properly but found this one on ffffound.