Melanzane Parmigiana Recipe | Cooking

Parmigiana di Melanzane, aubergine, bake, recipe, melanzane, Everyone has their signature dish. My melanzane parmigiana is mine. Now my signature dish has changed over the years. It used to be spaghetti bolognese and lasagne. Both are simple and easy to make, but no one makes them better than I do.

My family and I rarely eat beef anymore so we have moved on to this tasty vegetarian dish. It is easy to make and so healthy. Well, until I load it with cheese. Ha.

You need:

An aubergine.

Two cans of tinned tomatoes.

An onion.

Two packets of Mozzarella. You can always add another type of cheese. I tend to use cheddar or red leicester to top it.

Two bulbs of garlic.

Olive Oil, pepper and salt to season.

You can also add basil and some bread crumbs on top. The Italians do not add breadcrumbs so neither do I. 

Cut the aubergine into even slices. Preheat the oven to 200 for a fan oven. Lay the aubergine on a baking tray. Add some olive oil, salt and pepper to season. I am generous with the olive oil. Pop it in the oven for twenty minutes.

While the aubergine is cooking chop the onion and the garlic. Add it to a pan with a little butter. Cook until the onions are golden. Then add two tins of chopped tomatoes to the pan. Leave it to cook, stirring occasionally.  Chop up the mozzarella and grate any cheese you are adding.

Take the aubergine out and lay out in a roasting dish. Add some of the sauce and then aubergine, more sauce and then the mozzarella. I do aubergine, mozzarella, auberinge and then mozzarella on top, along with the grated cheese. Pop it in the oven for forty-five minutes.

It is ready when the top is crispy and the sauce has been reduced. It tastes amazing with basil. you can add the basil to the sauce or on top. The best thing about this recipe is that there is usually leftovers. You can also change things to suit yourself. Add two aubergines if you are a bigger family and more onions if you like.

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Let me know if you make it and please share any signature recipes of your own.


How I Finally Got My Natural Birth.

working mother, mother, working, freelance, blogger, mummy blogger, blogger, parenting blogger, blogger, writing,, pregnancy, birth, childbirth, hypnobirthing, Catherine Balavage, trauma, childbirth, women on childbirth As I write this it is my sons fifth birthday. He is happily playing with his new toys and his toddler sister is playing with a train track. The pain of my sons birth has lessened this year. The pain is not as searing. I wanted a natural birth with my son. I had gone to an antenatal class at the hospital and they had skipped over most of the birth part due to time constraints. The one thing they did cover was pain relief, and it all looked awful. Even the epidural which they said was the ‘only thing that actually works’ looked so invasive. A catheter? No thanks. I would have a natural birth. It would hurt, but it would be worth it. 

The birth itself was a series of little mistakes leading up to an emergency C section. I ended up having pethidine and an epidural. I have always been sensitive to drugs. I hate the feeling of being high, but by the third day of labour I could not take anymore. The midwives bullied me for taking drugs saying, ‘how much more pethidine is that baby going to have?’, but at no point did anyone induce me during my over eighty hours of labour until the very end. One midwife shouted and screamed at me at the top of her lungs while my water broke. I was bullied, abused and I thought my child and I were going to die. We both almost did. 

That is not what I want to talk about today. Today I want to talk about what happened two-and-a-half years later: I got my VBAC. Having a natural birth with my daughter was the most healing experience of my life. I was thankful it was at a different hospital with better staff. 

The trauma from my sons birth lead me to research childbirth and talk to as many women as I could about their experiences. This lead to me writing my book Women on Childbirth: Tips and Experiences from Women who Have Done it. I read everything I could about natural birth as I did not want another C section or any drugs. A book I recommend is The Positive Birth Book from Milli Hill. I was humbled when Milli was kind enough to contribute her birth story to my book. I also have to mention the team at St George’s who were so supportive. I cannot thank them enough. 

I decided to try hypnobirthing and I read everything I could about it. I was confident I could breathe the baby out of my vagina as long as I was in the right environment. I knew if I was as calm as possible things would go well. I wanted the room to be as dark as possible. I did not want any drugs as they slow down labour. I refused to have anyone other than my husband there. I was treated terribly by the midwives at the other hospital and I knew that it would be partly luck if I got a good midwife or not. I was not going in on just luck however: I was going in empowered with information and a confidence in the abilities of my body. 

I was in labour for over twenty-four hours but most of that was the early labour part which is not as bad. The pushing part was a few hours but it seemed to go faster. I was so surprised when the amazing midwife Elle told me I was ten centimetres. During my last birth I did not even get to five. The breathing really helped with the pain. 

Did it hurt? Of course it did, but a natural birth is only more painful in the moment. It does not hurt as much afterwards and the recovery is much quicker. The moment I pushed out my daughter and she was on my chest was one of the proudest moments of my life. The female body is an amazing thing and we need to have confidence that our bodies can do what needs to be done, but we also deserve to have the right environment to birth in so our bodies are able to do that. Birth rights are human rights. 


Saalt menstrual cups review

Anyone who reads Frost regularly will know that I care about the environment and I am always trying to lower my carbon footprint. My period is not environmentally friendly. I struggle with this and have even bought environmentally friendly pads and cotton tampons. I want a more permanent solution so I was excited to try the Saalt menstrual cup. I have seen them in shops but I was a cynical. I have a heavy period and  I was not sure whether or not they worked.

Now the review! First, always sterilise it first and make sure it is cleaned regularly. The cup comes with instructions. It is fiddly to put it in the first time but you soon get used to it. I worried that it would be hard but it is not. It is not uncomfortable either. You forget that it is there.

Taking it out is fiddly the first time but everything becomes easy quickly. I cannot recommend this cup more. It holds a huge amount and I had no leakage. It is also comfortable and easy to use. Great for the environment and for your pocket. It lasts up to ten years and you can wear it all day or night. It is odour free, which is more than I can say for some other period products, and non-toxic. It has no BPA, no latex and no chemicals. I cannot recommend it more.

saalt period cup, menstrual cup, period cup, environment,

  • Reliable: wear up to 12 hours
  • Comfortable: soft silicone moulds to your shape
  • Natural: naturally non-toxic and odour free. Maintains the body’s natural Ph
  • A cup for every ‘body’: Saalt cups in two firmnesses (Saalt Cup/Saalt Soft) and two sizes (small/regular) – a perfect fit for all!
  • Rounded Cuff: reinforces the seal to prevent leaks
  • Soft Grip Hold: helps you get a grip on the cup/ get a grip on life 😉
  • Soft Flex System: easy removal and comfort

Saalt cups are available at, Amazon and


periods, what your period is trying to tell you, saalt, menstrating cup,

Easy Ways To Cook Vegetables. How to Get Your 5-a-Day.

Getting our 5-a-day is hard. Or at least, I have often found it so. It is easy to grab a piece of fruit but eating vegetables requires more effort. At least that is what it feels like sometimes. Since lockdown it has been harder to get some foods. We have had a weekly delivery of fruit and veg. There are a number of companies that do this.

It has set a challenge to use everything up as I refuse to have food waste. This has always been the case but even more so now. I will be sharing tips on the coming weeks but here is what I am doing at the moment.

Every few days I make a a huge salad or a traybake of roasted vegetables. This does as a lunch for a few days and also a side for supper. It is very easy to do. Sure there is a lot of chopping, and my children are usually trying to get my attention, but because you only have to do it every three days it is not that bad.

Salad potatoes can be boiled for 15 minutes. I add rosemary or parsley to them.
potatoes with herbs, cooking vegetables, how to cook potatoes,

Cauliflower can be boiled in 15 minutes. Carrots take 5 minutes. I add as many herbs and spices to the various vegetables as possible. A lot of  fruit and veg boxes come with a bag of fresh herbs. You might also have some in your cupboard. Five spice anyone?

Aubergine can be roasted for 20 minutes in the oven. I tend to add olive oil and salt and pepper. It tastes delicious. You can also pan fry it. Beetroot is great baked in the oven for 45 minutes. You can even bake it whole. Add olive oil and wrap in foil. I tend to cook things at 180. The roast vegetables can be added to the salad and vice versa. I love adding fruit to veg. Oranges go great with aubergine. It is a lot of work cooking and, lets be honest, tedious, but when you make a lot you only have to do it every three days. That is for a family of four.

Eating raw food is great and retains nutrients. I find raw cabbage tastes amazing and has a satisfying texture. I have a large Mason Cash baking bowl which I make a huge salad in. There was one week where we did not get a fruit and veg box and my husband and I really noticed the difference to our health. A plant based diet is the easiest way to great health.

In the evenings and weekends I write in the kitchen while my husband looks after the kids. I am right near the fridge which is not good, but instead of snacking on unhealthy foods I just dip into my huge bowl of salad. Try it, put all of your favourite fruit and veg in a big bowl and pick at it when you are hungry. It will change your life and your health.

Please share any cooking tips or recipes with me. Lots of love and stay safe, Catherine xx.



Great Tasting Water On The Go: ZeroWater Portable

I love the ZeroWater filter so I was excited to see they now do a water bottle. The portable bottle has the all-powerful filter that filters out 95% of nasties. It is a good-looking bottle and is great for the environment. Highly recommended.

Research suggests 7.7 billion plastic water bottles are used each year, that’s on average 150 plastic bottles every year per person according to Water UK. Help cut down your own personal plastic footprint by making a small yet active change to the way you keep hydrated by carrying a reusable water bottle at all times, not only reducing your own use of plastic but also saving you money in the long run too.

zerowater, portable, water bottle,

Enjoy pure-tasting water anywhere you go! Offering 0.8L capacity the ZeroWater Portable combines all the top-performing filtration technology of the standard ZeroWater filtration jug but in a stylish, convenient cup complete with textured easy grip lid. So you can enjoy great tasting water out of your tap whether you’re at home, work or the gym, a resounding success for you and the environment.

The ZeroWater Portable uses the iconic patented ZeroWater filtration system, which combines FIVE sophisticated technologies that work together to remove virtually all dissolved solids from your water.  The only pour-through filter pitcher on the market that’s certified by the NSF to reduce lead.

What Does The ZeroWater Remove?

According to government figures 8.5 billion plastic straws are used each year. Which is why reusable straws are a great alternative and the ZeroWater Portable comes with just that, offering durability and a hard wearing design that seamlessly reflects the aesthetic of the portable cup. Another fantastic example of how the ZeroWater Portable is such a great alternative to single use plastic bottles.

How Long Will The Filter Last?

On an average water reading of 200 ppm you get 19 litres of filtered water from each ZeroWater Portable filter but please note it is dependent on the initial quality of your unfiltered tap water and daily consumption as the amount of dissolved solids in tap water varies across the UK. Each of the ZeroWater Portable filters employ a next-generation filter replacement technology. A “Colour Change” window which indicates when you need to replace your filter for added convenience. Once the replacement filter has then been fitted the other can be recycled at most Household Waste & Recycling Centres in the UK.

The ZeroWater Portable is available to buy online for £14.99 from ZeroWater, replacement filters (2 Pack), £14.99 from ZeroWater.

Living with Alzheimers – Waving from the Road by Chris Suich

Waving from the Road

After a restless night I knew what I had to do. I had to see Bob come what may!

I stood in the side road next to the care home and the care worker brought Bob to the  window on the first floor. He looked down at me and I waved madly but he didn’t seem to know me at first. As I waved my hanky at him the emotion overwhelmed me and the tears spilled down my cheeks as I tried to smile at him and do a ‘thumbs up.’  The lady opened the window and shouted down, ‘He says he loves you’ .

‘I love you too, darling, I love you too and I miss you madly. ‘ I shouted unaware of who else might be in the street watching this lunatic woman.

My lovely Bob is now in a care home as I simply couldn’t cope anymore. The lack of sleep due to the terrible nightmares and terrors that occurred at 4am most nights and the physical demands of it all had finally got to me. I knew the time had come. It had been 5 years and 3 months since we were told there was a memory problem. It had got much worse in the last 2 years and since the hospital admittance October 2018 for severe anxiety.

How was I to know that the next day the home would be in lock down and 2 weeks and 3 days later I still had not held his hand in mine or been able to kiss or hug him.

It was a different kind of torture.

I have transferred one nightmare for another! So I am taking in to the reception area of the home photographs of us and the boys in happy times, little letters to be read to him, pictures that we had at home and cards with little newsy updates on. His soft comfy blanket for the bed, he must have that!

I am trying to keep the memory of us alive. I hope he will remember me a little longer but I know in his heart I am there and he will always be in my heart and soul! I am lucky to have been so loved by him, my husband, loyal and supportive.

This CV19 is a terrible virus and we are all having to make sacrifices but for me it couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Living with Alzheimers – A Parallel Universe by Chris Suich

 I sometimes think I’m in a parallel universe!
Is there a link between autism and Alzheimer’s? I sometimes think so? As a special educational needs co-ordinator I often come across parents who talk about obsessions in their children’s behaviours. This has been a similar thread throughout this journey. It began with jam and cornflakes!
I remember going to see our consultant when Bob was in denial about his diagnosis.
‘Tell the Dr about the cornflakes,’ I cajoled.
‘What about the cornflakes?’ Bob snapped.
‘You know the fact we’ve got 18 packets of Special K with red fruit on the larder shelf!’
‘Yes well that’s because they are on offer at Co-op and I’m saving money.’
‘But what about the jams?’ I continued as Bob kicked me under the table to shut up.
‘Well, they are all different flavours’, he explained to the doctor (All 20 jars of them). This was the thing with Bob he was so clever he always had an answer which sounded quite reasonable.
Then there was the obsession with buying the same type of things. The shirts, the mugs, records, and strangely hoodie.! Most bizarre for someone that had never wore a hoodie in his life!
Then there was the collecting of things like leaves, – full carrier bags brimmed to the top with leaves picked during Autumn walks. A neighbour told me about the litter picking too and the going through the neighbours bins checking they had put the correct things in the correct bins!
Then re- distributing anything he found into the correct bin!
Our neighbours were always tolerant and kind. Even the shop keepers were lovely letting me take back items he bought for a full refund.
But how strange. Just another stage of the dementia which I managed as best I could.


Pale Green Dot Start Fresh Fruit and Veg Box Home Delivery Initiative

veg delivery, fruit and veg delivery, food delivery, coronavirus, COVID-19, fruit, veg, vegetables, London, delivery, food delivery, Pale Green Dot supply the finest quality fresh, seasonal and local produce to some of London and the South East’s finest restaurants year round. In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, with so many restaurants sadly having to close for the foreseeable, their premium quality fruit and veg is now available for the public to order for themselves to be delivered straight to their door.


The quality of produce is sensational, and allows  members of the public to avoid supermarket shopping, perusing empty shelves and bringing home simply whatever might be left available.  The Essential Fresh Produce Box (£12.50) includes traditional root veg (onions, swede, beetroot, carrots, potatoes), leaves and green veg (salad bag, Savoy/Tundra cabbage, leeks), coloured veg (peppers, vine tomatoes, aubergines) and local fruit (apples, pears). The Veg and Staples Box (£20) includes all of the above as well as milk, bread and eggs as well. Boxes can be delivered as a one off or even weekly.

“We are getting amazing quality fresh farm produce to people in their homes at an affordable price.  We’re so proud to be doing our bit to keep British farmers and our Pale Green Dot family in work whilst supplying the public with fantastic quality produce at this time.” says Jo Farish from Pale Green Dot

 With supermarkets running low on fresh produce as it is, this new initiative gives people a fantastic opportunity to stay healthy and nourished with restaurant quality fruit and veg at a fair price.  As well as this, the initiative also gives security to their farmers who at this time may feel incredibly anxious about supply and demand in the hospitality industry.

Thanks to this initiative, the farmers and growers who work for and with Pale Green Dot have new clientele through these times to keep business going until things return to normal and supply can begin again for the hospitality industry.  As well as growing and farming, Pale Green Dot employees are also helping to deliver these fresh produce boxes around London and the South East to those who aren’t just running low on fresh supplies but also those who cannot leave their homes at this time.

Orders can be made via the website.  Pale Green Dot aims to deliver boxes by the next working day but of course delivery times will be determined by demand and capacity during these unprecedented times.

To keep minds at ease, Pale green Dot are implementing the highest safety and hygiene standards across the board when it comes to both packaging and delivering in order to prevent the spread of the virus.


Orders can be made via this link –