24’s Back! New Series Announced

24 fans can start getting excited: Jack’s back and this time he is in London.

Star Kiefer Sutherland said: “I’m about as anxious and wound up as I’ve been in a long time. There’s a great impetus for all of us to create something new with the show.”


Dexter star Yvonne Strahovski, Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe), Kim Raver (Audrey) and William Devane (James Heller) will all star alongside Sutherland. The series will air in the states from May 5 2014 with a two-hour special to start.

A movie is also in the works. Sutherland said: “If this ends up rebooting the show or causing a film to be made, so be it, The film is sort of an ongoing situation.”