24’s Back! New Series Announced

24 fans can start getting excited: Jack’s back and this time he is in London.

Star Kiefer Sutherland said: “I’m about as anxious and wound up as I’ve been in a long time. There’s a great impetus for all of us to create something new with the show.”


Dexter star Yvonne Strahovski, Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe), Kim Raver (Audrey) and William Devane (James Heller) will all star alongside Sutherland. The series will air in the states from May 5 2014 with a two-hour special to start.

A movie is also in the works. Sutherland said: “If this ends up rebooting the show or causing a film to be made, so be it, The film is sort of an ongoing situation.”

Jack Bauer is Back as 24 Film Gets Green Light.

Good news for fans of 24, the new film is coming your way soon(ish). Kiefer Sutherland said he was more than a little excited about returning to the role of tough guy Bauer in an interview in October.

He said: ‘We’re going to hopefully start production in April on the film, and that’ll be out later on in the year.

‘We’re still a few months away, but we’ve got a script that we’re very excited about and we’re moving forward.’

Fox has announced that they will start filming next Spring.

Sutherland also said: ‘It’s going to be a two-hour representation of a 24 hour day, so we were not going to be restrained by the real time aspect of the TV show.  With the TV show we always had to have the crisis come to us because we couldn’t move.  Twice we put Jack on a plane and it was a disaster.

‘This will be different – it will be very feasible to get from Eastern Europe to England in the course of 24 hours! And the crisis can be more personal – it doesn’t have to be a huge bomb, it doesn’t have to take out the rest of the world.  It’s very exciting.’