An Aspirin a Day Keeps Big C Away? By Dr Patricia Thompson

doesasprinlowercancerriskDaily aspirin and cancer has been in the news again. So what does it all mean?

People have been investigating whether aspirin protects us against cancer for many years. The first few study results were confusing – some showed a beneficial effect – others didn’t. This is the problem – you often don’t get a clear answer until many thousands of people have been studied. However, a group of medical researchers from Queen Mary University, London, have analysed the results of a large number of clinical trials, involving over a hundred thousand people in total, and the evidence is now clear.  Taking 75-325mg aspirin daily (between a quarter and just over a full tablet) for at least five years, can reduce risk of getting certain cancers (particularly bowel cancer), heart attacks and strokes.

Before you dash out to the nearest pharmacy – I should explain that a small percentage benefit was seen after studying a very large number of people. Whether you, as an individual, would gain, depends on many factors, including your age, sex, what other medical conditions you have, and how prone you are to the types of cancers which seemed to show the most effect. Aspirin does have some serious side-effects, including gastric bleeding and bleeding into the brain, and you should always discuss with your doctor before taking long-term regular aspirin.

What is interesting though is why aspirin works – and are there other ways we can reduce our chances of cancer, without taking a tablet every day?

We know that inflammation is important in the development of cancer, and at least part of the reason why aspirin protects, may be its ability to suppress inflammation.

Inflammation is the body’s protective response to damage, and to invasion by infections, such as bacteria. Normally it is a good thing as it involves our immune system destroying and removing infective organisms and dead cells and promoting repair of the damaged tissues.

Cancer cells appear in our bodies on a fairly regular basis. Normally they are discovered and destroyed by cells of our immune system and never cause us any harm.

However sometimes cancer cells manage to avoid discovery. Then they can turn our normal beneficial inflammatory response against us, to help them grow and spread. They do this in various ways, for example using aspects of the inflammation to grow new blood vessels, which provide the tumour with a source of food and oxygen.

So, although short bursts of inflammation can be protective, long term inflammation is certainly not. In fact some chronic inflammatory illnesses are known to predispose us to cancer, for example, inflammatory bowel disease can lead to bowel cancer.

Is there any way we can damp down inflammation naturally, without resorting to tablets? Absolutely yes – the best way is probably diet. See the Table for examples of simple changes you can make.

In addition to cancer, reducing inflammation can also protect us from heart disease and joint disease. Worth making an effort eh?


Examples of foods which promote inflammation and suggestions for avoiding them:

1. High sugar foods eg sweets and cakes – switch to fresh fruit (whole – not juice)
2. Trans fats (fried food, margarine, processed foods) – switch to olive oil, flax oil)
3. Many ‘Ready meals’ – switch to fresh vegetables, garlic, Herbs
4. Red meat – switch to fish, particularly oily fish
5. Refined carbohydrate (white flour, white rice) – switch to whole grain bread, brown rice


‘These articles express personal views. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information given and you should always consult a doctor if you need medical advice.’




Lansinoh 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Review

Lansinoh 3-in-1 Breast Therapy ReviewBreastfeeding is tough. No one really says just how hard it is, but even if you are lucky enough to take to it easily you may not be lucky enough to escape engorgement, mastitis, plugged ducts and sore nipples. Luckily there are things made to help, like Lansinoh’s 3-in-1 Breast Therapy. Is it any good? Let’s find out.


The 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Packs use innovative PearlTechnology to deliver either heat or cold to affected areas of the breast. Chill it in the fridge or freezer for analgesic cold, or pop it in the microwave for penetrating heat and warmth. The pack holds its therapeutic temperature for a full 20 minutes so you get fast, effective relief.

The writer who reviewed this had mastitis and said that it really helped. Her doctor told her to use hot and cold compresses on her breasts and this treatment made it easy. They are convenient and because they can be both hot or cold they multi-task too. Perfect for saving money and space. No more cabbage on the breasts, this handy and effective treatment really works. It can also be used hot to reduce time spend pumping milk. Using it cold relieves engorgement and the hot therapy relieves mastitis and plugged ducts. Our writer says: ‘This is convenient and works well. It can be used for lots of different breastfeeding problems. It is a mum must have.’


Lansinoh Therapearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Pack

This innovative set includes two reusable treatment packs and covers that can be used hot or cold. The pearl design moulds to the breast to provide all-round relief when breastfeeding.



Early Miscarriage by Dr Patricia Thompson

miscarriage  A miscarried pregnancy can be a devastating experience. The woman has already experienced pregnancy – nausea, swollen, tender breasts, just ‘feeling pregnant’.  The couple are sharing a cosy, exciting secret – visualising their anticipated offspring, they may well have chosen some names.

Then, abruptly, hopes are shattered. It can happen in several ways – sometimes there is bleeding, cramping pain, the woman may just not feel pregnant anymore, an ultrasound scan may show that the baby has stopped growing, or there is no heart-beat.

However it happens, both partners usually feel devastated.

And yet, approximately a fifth of pregnancies end as early miscarriages, meaning during the first three months. Sometimes the woman didn’t know she was even pregnant, just experiencing a ‘late period’, other times the couple are very aware, and can experience deep pain and loss.

The baby frequently has a serious genetic/chromosomal abnormality in these cases, and would have been incapable of surviving.

An early miscarriage is usually a one-off event, and the next pregnancy will be successful. However, if it happens during the first one, the couple may feel uncertain whether they can have a child. Nothing will convince them except a subsequent normal birth.

A few couples (around 1%) have recurrent miscarriages – defined as at least three in a row. Even then, three-quarters of these will eventually have a normal baby.

A few unfortunate couples may never succeed – possibly due to a particular genetic problem, but often a reason isn’t found, and it is very upsetting.

Late miscarriages – during the middle third of pregnancy, are less common (only one pregnancy in fifty), and may be due to illness in the mother, or womb or cervix abnormalities. Depending on the cause, treatment may be possible for future pregnancies.

So what if you have an early miscarriage? Firstly, nobody is to blame.  Too much exercise, stress, or having sex, for example, do not cause miscarriage. Healthy pregnancies are pretty resilient.

The pregnancy tissue may be lost naturally, through your vagina. However, the hospital may suggest removing any remnants, using a gentle vacuum under anaesthetic. This prevents possible infection, which can be serious, and could compromise future pregnancies.

The experience can impact both partners for a considerable time. The woman experiences physical changes, and both are affected emotionally. The man sees the distress of his partner, and feels he should be the strong one, and yet he is suffering too.

It is important to talk, and grieve together, and, if possible, to share with close friends and family. People can appear to forget very quickly, or don’t even know you’ve had a miscarriage. They expect you to be ‘back to normal’ and don’t always understand your continuing pain.

Specialists and groups are available should you experience difficulty in getting through the grief.

Importantly, don’t forget, if you have had a miscarriage, you are highly likely to have a successful pregnancy next time.

Useful information sites:



These articles express personal views. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information given and you should always consult a doctor if you need medical advice.



What Your Bridesmaids Really Think About Your Wedding

Frost was quite surprised at the results of a survey done by They surveyed 1,000 bridesmaids to spill the beans on what really goes on behind the scenes. The results are in and you wouldn’t believe what it reveals.

Seven out of ten bridesmaids say they have been forced to wear an unflattering dress to make the bride look prettier!

Unfortunately, it looks like Bridezilla isn’t too thoughtful when it comes to how she treats her closest friends on the wedding day.

72% of respondents felt they’d been lumbered with a questionable outfit. Yikes.

More than a fifth (22%) of bridesmaids insisted on altering their outfit before participating in the wedding.

One third of the bridesmaids surveyed were given a choice in deciding what they’d wear on the big day.

43% of bridesmaids admitted to going to a wedding that was a ‘bit naff’ (lacking taste/style), with only 9% of them envying the bride on her big day.

A third (37%) revealed that they had been at a wedding where they felt the bride and groom were mismatched and should not be tying the knot.

More than half (54%) explained that they had been a bridesmaid at a wedding where they were delighted that they were not marrying the groom themselves!

A fifth (20%) have actually picked up a new man at a wedding where they were bridesmaid!

6% have secretly fancied the groom

3% admitted to being romantically involved with the groom before he met his bride.


Celebrity jeweller and founder of, Vashi Dominguez says, “”We’ve all looked at wedding photos and thought, ‘What are the bridesmaids wearing!?’ Well, now we know the answer. In seven out of ten cases, the bridesmaids are convinced they’ve been lumbered with a dress to make the bride look prettier. I’m sure most brides do not see it that way. They’d say they chose bridesmaid dresses that went well with the wedding dress! The solution is for everyone to relax – no bridezillas or bridesmaidzillas required. Brides should enjoy the process and involve their bridesmaids more in choosing their outfits.”

If you are getting married then get your hands on a copy of The Wedding Survival Guide: How To Plan Your Big Day Without Losing Your Sanity. It has great advice on planning your perfect wedding and is written by our editor, Catherine Balavage. It is also available in Ebook format and is a great guide for wedding planning.



Help with Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy

newborn-216723_640Pregnancy is a life changing, joyous, emotional and exciting journey for most women. However, approximately two-thirds of women experience back pain and almost one-fifth experience pelvic pain during pregnancy. This pain often increases with advancing pregnancy, interfering with daily activities, work and sleep. Fortunately this condition is treatable, it is important to seek treatment sooner rather than later. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is key to successful resolution of symptoms.

The hormones released during pregnancy to prepare a women’s body to grow a baby and give birth, soften and relax the soft tissues of the body (eg. muscles, ligaments). This increased softening increases your joints’ range which means that they do not receive the same protection from the ligaments as before. It is this, coupled with the weight of your growing uterus that may cause backache or sciatica.

Symptoms of back pain and PGP

Back pain can be felt in the upper, middle or lower back. It is probably most commonly felt in the low back during pregnancy and can vary from an occasional ache to a constant sharp or nagging pain in any of these areas.

Pain in the pelvis is described as pelvic girdle pain (PGP), used to be known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), but this implied that only the pubic bone was involved, which is often not the case.

A range of symptoms can be described as PGP and they vary in intensity from woman to woman and even pregnancy to pregnancy.

The main symptom is pain;

  • pain over the pubic bone at the front in the centre
  • pain across one or both sides of your lower back
  • difficulty and/or pain walking, waddling gait
  • clicking or grinding in the pelvis with movement
  • pain when weight bearingWomen may experience pain anywhere in the pelvis or into the front of the thighs. These symptoms tend to increase and intensify with walking, standing, sitting, moving the legs apart, standing on one leg (think getting dressed into socks, underwear), climbing stairs and turning over in bed. Symptoms vary from mild to more severe needing support with crutches or a wheelchair.What causes back pain or PGP? For most women PGP is a mechanical problem; there is often asymmetry in the pelvis, with one joint becoming stiffer or more mobile than the others. It is more common in women with a previous history of PGP/low back pain. In approximately 9% of women with PGP the cause is purely hormonal and this tends not to respond to treatment.

When might back pain or PGP start?
it can start at any stage of the pregnancy, it may come on gradually or start quite suddenly. Sometimes symptoms will disappear or improve with rest.

How do I know if I have PGP?

Diagnosis of this painful condition is based on the location of the pain and by taking a careful history of your symptoms.

Will back pain or PGP affect my baby?

No, it will not affect your baby. However, it is important, however that the midwives caring for you are aware that you have back or pelvic girdle pain.

What can I do about PGP?
It is important to remember that whilst PGP is common, it is not normal, but is treatable;l Often resolving within a few treatments.
Firstly, tell your midwife, or whoever is responsible for your antenatal care, and then seek treatment sooner rather than later. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is key to successful resolution of symptoms.

Meanwhile plan your day carefully, avoiding too many trips upstairs, remain active with the limits of your pain, avoiding activities that increase your discomfort. Rest is important, rest more frequently, try sitting for activities that normally require standing ie ironing. Try sleeping with a pillow between the legs, or use the pregnancy cushion known as ‘dream genie’.

What can I do about back pain?

Seek treatment sooner rather than later. Try to find a McTimoney Chiropractor who is experienced in treating women during pregnancy and ask them for a few safe exercises you can perform at home. Wearing support tights or a belly band can often give enough support and relief without having to resort to an actual back or belly belt. Try sleeping with a pillow between the legs or under the legs in early pregnancy when you may still be sleeping on your back.

A multi faceted approach is need to treating both conditions. After taking your medical history and examining your back and pelvis, treatment takes the form of gentle mobilization of the pelvis and spine where appropriate and sometimes acupuncture or soft tissue mobilization. This should be followed by gentle exercises and ergonomic advice. The McTimoney approach is gentle and safe for both mother and baby.

In one study, women receiving chiropractic care through their first pregnancy had twenty-four per cent shorter labour times and subjects giving birth for the second or third time reported thirty-nine per cent shorter labour times. In another study, the need for analgesics was reduced by fifty per cent in the patients who received adjustments. In addition eight-four per cent of women report relief of back pain during pregnancy with chiropractic care.

Finally, if you are experiencing back or pelvic pain, McTimoney Chiropractic treatment is a safe and effective way to relieve your symptoms, preparing you for the exciting journey of pregnancy and childbirth.

Article credit: Penny Henderson DC MSc MMCA FRCC
Chiropractor and Medical Acupuncturist

Active Chiropractic Clinic
Lister Surgery, 8 The Parade, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3QP
and Quennevais Parade, St Brelade, Jersey, JE3 8FX

Tel: 01534 617987



Interventions for preventing and treating pelvic and back pain in pregnancy Pennick et al 2007.Cochrane Review.

Pelvic Girdle Pain and Low Back Pain in Pregnancy: A Review.
Era Vermani, FRCA*; Rajnish Mittal, FRCS†; Andrew Weeks, MRCOG

© 2009 World Institute of Pain, 1530-7085/10/$15.00 Pain Practice, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010 60–71

European guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic girdle pain. European Spine Journal. June 2008, Volume 17, Issue 6 pp 794-819

Vleeming A, Albert H.,Ostgaard C., Sturesson B,. Stuge B
Rosenberg Stacey Dr., Natural Pregnancy, Natural Baby.2008.

Henderson C., Macdonald S., Mayes’ Midwifery, A textbook for Midwives.,Thirteenth edition., 2004.,Bailliere Tindall 



Remescar Review

Scars and stretch marks can really get you down. We should all love our flaws but sometimes it is not easy, especially when in a prominent or inconvenient place. We reviewed Remescar and Remescar Stretch Marks to see if they made a difference.

Remescar says it is a clinically proven treatment that offers a completely new approach and remarkable results in treating new and old scars.


Remescar stretch marks is an innovative silicone based cream which improves and corrects all types of stretch marks.

A clinical study performed by an independent laboratory showed that it reduces up to 50% of stretch marks severity on stomach, hips and legs in just 28 days!*

By releasing a long lasting and thin silicone barrier it will not only cover the affected skin but also protect the skin and moderate inflammation. It will lead to an excellent integration of the cream into the skin as well. In addition, the moisturizing and reconstructive ingredients will generate immediate and long term hydration of the skin, and optimize the skin’s natural moisture balance.

Thanks to these properties and to its medical device technology, Remescar stretch marks will also reinforce and visually improve the skin surface.

Silicone based cream for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks

Medical Device Technology
Treats existing stretch marks
Reduces up to 50% of stretch marks severity in just 28 days
Prevents new stretch marks
Silicone film treatment
Immediate and long term hydration
Visually improves the skin surface
Makes the skin stronger and more resistant
With skin reconstructive properties

Does it work? Yes, it gives a genuine improvement. Stretch Marks look much better and do fade, it also seems to stop new ones appearing. 

Remescar Silicone Stretch Marks Scar Cream is available here.


Remescar is an easy to use silicone stick designed for scar care. Remescar releases a transparent, thin and silicone base film which creates an ideal healing protective barrier. This helps to maintain the skin’s moisture balance, while aiding the healing of scar tissues resulting from surgery, burns, injuries, acne and stretch marks.

Use Remescar to reduce a scar’s length and height, to soften and flatten the scar tissues, to restore the skin to a more normal colour and texture and to relieve burning, tingling and itching sensations.

Remescar combines the best of both the medical and cosmetic worlds.

The easy to use silicone stick leaves behind an invisible, transparent thin film which creates an optimal protective barrier for the scar to heal and helps to maintain the skin’s moisture balance.

The patented composition of Remescar is based on 3 ingredients that are clinically proven to have a beneficial effect on scars:

The silicone film shield hydrates, protects and restores the upper layer of the skin and stimulates collagen production. It increases the scar elasticity and reduces the redness and itching.
β-glucan has strong calming, protective, and hydrating properties. Besides these properties, it’s an excellent film former. The combination of β-glucan with polymeric film formers such as PVP (Polyvinyl pyrrolidone) and PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) help to accelerate the wound healing process.
Besides the film formation, which is the first and most important action of Remescar, it also contains strong UV filters. It is widely known that scars need to be protected from UV radiation. That is why Remescar incorporates powerful UV-A and UV-B filters.
Remescar reduces new and old scars.
It smoothens and softens the scar tissues.
It helps to restore the skin to a normal color and texture.
It relieves burning, tingling and itching sensations.
It’s a convenient and easy to use stick applicator.
It’s for all areas of the face and the body.
It’s invisible upon application and can even be worn under make up.


Does it work? So far we think so. It has made a visible difference to skin. We will continue to use and give an update in a few months.  

Remescar Silicone Scar Stick is available here.



Blast Away Mould Review

Mould can be a huge problem in Britain. With the damp conditions and rain making the problem a lot worse. We reviewed new Blast Away Mould from Kilrock to see if it works. It says it removes unsightly black mould and stains on seals, tiles and grout lines. We were impressed when we used it. There was definitely a noticeable difference. The brush on gel is very handy and this is professional quality stuff. We would use it again. 
Banish black mould and mildew from your home and garden with new professional strength Blast Away Mould from Kilrock.


There’s nothing more unsightly than hard-to-shift black mould in your bathroom, shower and sink.   Now, however, there’s a solution – new Blast Away Mould effectively removes mould, mildew and algae stains from tiles, silicone sealants and grout lines.


Available as a Spray, for larger wall and tiled areas, or as a concentrated Brush-on Gel, Blast Away Mould accurately targets areas of mould build-up and is ideal for use on edges and corners of showers, baths and sinks. Both products are also suitable for outside use to clean plastic furniture, pots, ornaments, walls and balconies.


Simply apply Blast Away Mould to affected areas and leave to work for up to 30 minutes, then rinse the treated area and wipe with a cloth. Blast Away Mould works a treat on even the most stubborn stains around the bath or shower.   Unpleasant black mould on sealant is particularly hard to shift but Blast Away Mould will see it off.


Blast Away Mould is available as a Trigger Spray (500ml) or Brush-on Gel (250ml).  RSP:  £3.99 from,, independent hardware stores and at or


Contains a bleaching action. Not suitable for enamel, marble, wood or granite.



Getting Into The Christmas Spirit | Alcohol Gift Guide

Ah, Christmas. The time for overindulgence. Too much food, booze and time spent with people you have to people you love dearly. No having to go to work in the morning, just bad TV and lying comatose on the coach. It truly is magical. To help the magic along we have started our Christmas Alcohol Reviews. Here are our top picks to buy the people who have been very, very good this year. alcoholchristmasreviewwhattobuy

Snow Leopard Vodka

This vodka (made with spelt, the so-called ‘grandfather of grains’) was created by a passionate conservationist determined to save these critically endangered big cats. Which is why we should all buy one this Christmas.

Stephen Sparrow, an ex-drinks industry expert, heard about the snow leopard’s plight during a trip to the Himalayas. Shocked at learning there were less than 5,000 left in the wild, he came back and founded the Snow Leopard Trust UK – and then created this super-premium vodka to help fund its projects. Stephen has set a global goal to raise a million dollars annually for snow leopard conservation by 2025. That’s the the figure the President of the Snow Leopard Trust has advised could provide the ‘step change’ to remove the animal from the endangered list. This goal has been helped by the vodka recently gaining national distribution in

With 15% of the vodka’s profit going direct to the Snow Leopard Trust, funds are provided to community-based conservation projects. These range from replacing farmers’ livestock that might be taken by snow leopards; through to helping educate herders’ children and training for adults in spinning wool and handicrafts for extra income. Supporting these projects helps educate the local communities and fosters a positive attitude towards the snow leopard.

£36.00 RRP for a 70cl bottle and available at, Harvey Nichols and, as well as all good independent drinks retailers. /


Snow Leopard Vodka – The Conservation Martini

Glass: Martini

75ml Snow Leopard Vodka
5ml French Dry Vermouth
1 sprig of rosemary to be stirred in a mixing glass

Method: Add ingredients into an ice-filled mixing glass and briskly stir for 20 seconds.
Pour into a Martini glass.
Garnish: Rosemary sprig placed in the Martini or cocktail glass.


Whitley Neill Gin

This is top-class, truly wonderful gin. Perfect for gin lovers, winner of the World’s Best Gin Award at the International Wines and Spirits Festival, super-premium Whitley Neill Gin stands out from the crowd with its African botanicals cape gooseberry and super-fruit baobab, which has six times more vitamin C than an orange. Whitley Neill is slightly softer than more traditional gins and the taste is refreshingly citrusy and sweet. Whitley Neill Gin is available in priced £24.00.


Lamb’s Spiced

This is wonderful spiced rum with a lower alcohol content that other spiced rums. The sophisticated readers of Frost will know that is a good thing. New Lamb’s Spiced is a perfect gift for rum aficionados and cocktail lovers. It’s a gentle blend with a lower alcoholic content (30% abv) than other spiced rums, which makes this smooth golden liquid ideal for sipping. Natural spices and hints of cinnamon and caramel give Lamb’s Spiced a sweet, warming flavour. Lamb’s Spiced is available in priced £14.49 for a 70cl bottle.


Lamb’s Navy Rum

A true classic. This is high-end rum. Truly Iconic British rum, Lamb’s Navy, is the perfect tipple to have in the cupboard at Christmas – not only is it a great cake preservative and ideal ingredient for flambéing the Christmas pudding, but it’s a great winter cocktail ingredient too. Lamb’s Navy Rum is available from all major supermarkets priced around £14.50 for 70cl.



This is something truly unique for whiskey lovers who want something different. It is actually unaged white whiskey. It is gorgeous, sophisticated and luxurious with just the right amount of vintage kitsch.

Bootlegger is an unaged white whiskey inspired by the raw liquor ‘Bootleggers’ moved around the US during Prohibition. It has a raw sophisticated taste with aromas of peat, oak and vanilla with a smooth finish and has been created for sipping neat over ice as well as in cocktails. Bootlegger is available from and other premium retailers priced around £37.50.


Tequila Rose

Our editor loves tequila, just a shame she can’t drink it at the moment because she is pregnant! We did the hard work for her: This is a unique and delicious take on tequila. Tequila Rose is a luxurious blend of premium Mexican tequila and real strawberry flavoured cream liqueur. It’s an ideal alternative to traditional cream liqueurs at Christmastime and makes a fabulous gift for female foodies and cocktail lovers. Tequila Rose is priced £14.99 for 70cl from various supermarkets.


Grant’s Signature 

Grant’s whisky is always brilliant. Perfect for a wee dram. This Christmas Grant’s Whisky is putting a new twist on tradition this Christmas with the release of its Signature character and maltiness blend. With a smooth yet rich taste, with hints of caramel and biscuit which is delicious on its own, over ice or with a mixer. The product of five generations, Grant’s is Scotland’s oldest family owned blend.

The Grant’s Family Reserve is priced at RRP £17.49 (70cl) available supermarkets and off licences. The Grant’s Signature blend will be sold exclusively at, priced at RRP £18.49.


Koko Kanu Coconut Rum

Perfect for rum lovers: Koko Kanu is a subtle blend of crystal clear rum and coconut; the only full strength coconut rum available in the UK.

This beautifully rich tasting coconut flavoured rum from the Caribbean island of Jamaica, is so smooth and round that it’s delicious on its own over ice.


Koko Kanu Daiquiri


50ml Koko Kanu
25ml freshly pressed lime juice
5ml Gomme (available at all good retail outlets)

Chill a martini glass
Add all ingredients to a boston shaker, shake and double strain
Pour into the chilled glass and garnish with a slice of lime or a mint leaf


Koko Kanu Grikoko
(Created By Chris Langhan)

2 Shot Koko Kanu
½ shot lime juice
1 whole Mandarin (quartered)
Dash orange bitters

Muddle whole mandarin including flesh and zest (everything), add liquid ingredients
Shake hard and double strain into a chilled cocktail glass
Garnish with a twist of orange


Bowmore Black Rock Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky

This is a very unique no age statement whisky. It has a rich sherry and peat smoke which is then followed by blackcurrants, treacle toffee and cinnamon spice. Buy for someone you want to impress. It is unique and they probably would not have tried it before. This was released for the travel retail market in 2014.


Don Papa Rum

This is brilliant and new for rum lovers. New Don Papa is a premium aged small batch rum from the Philippines which was launched in the UK in February 2014. It is light and fruity on the nose, smooth and delicate on the palate with flavours of vanilla, honey and candied fruit. The Don Papa Rum Gift Pack is available from and Majestic stores for £30 and from Harvey Nichols stores and online at


Glen Moray Single Malt

This is a top-class Scotch whisky, buy it for the whisky lover in your life. Glen Moray Single Malt is distilled at the Glen Moray Distillery, Speyside’s most northerly distillery which has been producing whisky since 1897. This 10 year old single malt has been uniquely aged in chardonnay casks. £25.00, available from and


Three Barrels Honey

Excellent French Brandy. Drink it and cook with it. Oh, and buy it for someone else if you can give it away. The UK’s favourite French grape brandy, Three Barrels, has been blended with the finest honey flavours to create Three Barrels Honey. The new spirit drink is so smooth and mellow, you won’t want to give up a drop for Saint Nick.



Glass: 10oz Rocks

Method: Pour over ice cubes and spray orange oils over the top of drink

Ice: Cubed


50ml Three Barrels Honey

Garnish: Trimmed orange zest


12oz Hiball

Method: Fill glass with ice and pour in order listed



35ml Three Barrels Honey

Top ginger ale

Garnish: Lemon wedge squeezed and discarded, garnish with fresh wedge



Glass: 12oz Hiball

Method: Pour all ingredients in glass except soda, and then add ice

Fill with soda and gently stir, top with ice if required

Ice: Cubed


50ml Three Barrels Honey

20ml Fresh lemon juice

5ml sugar syrup

Top with soda

Garnish: Lemon slice



Glass: Chilled flute

Method: Pour in order listed and stir


25ml Three Barrels Honey

Top with Champagne or dry sparkling wine (Cava or Prosecco)

Garnish: Lemon oils sprayed and discard zest


What will be your tipple?